There is no ICANN approved domain extension .clan. I don’t exclude that .clan may exist at the alternative DNS root service providers. You need to download a plugin for using the alternative DNS root services, your customer must know, that […]
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There is no ICANN approved domain extension .clan. I don’t exclude that .clan may exist at the alternative DNS root service providers. You need to download a plugin for using the alternative DNS root services, your customer must know, that […]
It is a good idea, as you can profit by traffic, back links and links at search engines. But be carefully: Had the former website with the expired domain a good reputation or a subject, which could harm your business? […]
If you want to sell a domain, which you own, you can use platforms like EBAY, SEDO, UNDEVELOPPED or AFTERNIC. You should think also to use forums like DNFORUM. You should make a website and/or a blog, which offers the […]
The registry of .bank and the European Banking Federation (EBF) will on May 27th at 15:00 CET co-host the online work session: The Cybersecurity & Digital Banking Benefits of .BANK. You are welcome to participate at this online event. In […]
If everybody could choose its own domain name, domain names would not be unique at a Top Level Domain. Many people would choose e.g. The rooting of a domain name is only working, if the domain name (your name+top […]
There are at least three perspectives: 1. Bad reputation of the top level domain may have an influence at the reputation of your website or company. 2. But: I assume, that the evaluation of, that the Top-Domain is no […]
Die Sunrise Phase wird in zwei Teile unterteilt: Sunrise Period I Sunrise Period II In der Sunrise Period I der Gay-Domains können sich alle Markeninhaber von Marken bewerben, deren Marken beim Trademark Clearinghouse registriert sind. Die Sunrise Period […]
It is not possible to give a general answer. I limit the answer to generic domains administered by ICANN. If you do not pay your domain fee just in time till expiration date, the registrar may delete the domain at […]
Die Launch Phase der Madrid-Domains beginnt am 16. Juli 2019 und geht bis zum 10. Dezember 2019. In der .madrid Launch Phase können sich folgende Interessenten bewerben: Marken-Inhaber, die Ihre Marken bei Trademark Clearinghouse angemeldet haben. Landrush: Bewerber, die keiner […]
The subject "how to buy a domain name" can have two meanings: How to register a domain name? How to buy a registered domain name from a domain owner? You get some hints and tips concerning the first version at: […]