At the SKZ Plastics Center, the Pipe-safe project has been launched to put an AI assistant for quality assurance of welds in pipeline construction into practical use. This will enable the welded joints on gas and water pipes to be […]
Press releases worldwide
At the SKZ Plastics Center, the Pipe-safe project has been launched to put an AI assistant for quality assurance of welds in pipeline construction into practical use. This will enable the welded joints on gas and water pipes to be […]
It is with great pleasure that the SKZ German Plastics Center has honored the successful partnership with Wegener Welding in America with the "Premium Partner Training" award. In the United States of America, Wegener Welding is the specialist for plastic […]
The SKZ Plastics Center in Würzburg offers its industrial customers not only exclusive calculation of product carbon footprints but also an online tool with which they can calculate their own carbon footprint. An extensive service package and personal contacts are, […]
The Plastics Center SKZ with its testing division sees itself as a system provider when it comes to confirming the suitability of products for drinking water hygiene. With an accredited certification body, trained hygiene inspectors and an accredited testing laboratory, […]
The SKZ Plastics Center is expanding its modular training program to include blown film extrusion. Participants receive compact, flexible and yet well-founded further training on the technology and optimal application in the various courses. The Materials, Compounding and Extrusion department […]
The Plastics Center SKZ is actively involved in several work packages of the transfer network for industrial bioeconomy “TransBIB”, which connects stakeholders across industries. The aim is to establish biobased economic activity in industry and promote its practical application. Sophia […]
The Colloidal Systems group has been headed by André Nogowski since March 1, 2024 and the Reactive Systems group by Dr. Natascha Kuhl since July 1, 2024. As a research unit of the EZD, the two research groups in the […]
Thermosets are currently in high demand again due to their numerous advantages. At the same time, they are only recyclable to a limited extent. The Plastics Center SKZ is working with industrial partners on the sustainability of thermosets and aims […]
The coloring of plastics is already a challenge with new materials, since both the process and the plastics and colorants must be optimally matched to each other. With the ever-increasing demands for recycling management, more and more recycled plastics have […]
In a new training course, the SKZ Plastics Center and the Wittmann Group are demonstrating the potential of gas injection molding. In addition to highlighting the advantages and areas of application, participants are also trained in practical application in the […]