Call for Papers! Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week 2022

21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop, 6th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium and NEW 1st Hydrogen Power System Integration Symposium to take place in the Netherlands

Abstract submission open until 15 May 2022

This year’s Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week will take place in the Delft / The Hague region, Netherlands from 10 – 14 October 2022. Energy experts have the opportunity to become a speaker at the Wind & Solar Integration Workshop or the E-Mobility Integration Symposium by submitting an abstract by 15 May 2022 via the event websites.

Until 2021, the Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week consisted of the E-Mobility Power System Symposium, the Solar & Storage Integration Workshop and the Wind Integration Workshop. In 2022, the two Workshops will merge into the Wind & Solar Integration Workshop to take into account the many possible synergies and to meet the wishes of the participants. The event will feature a wide range of topics from resilience, grid forming and forecasting to hybrid power systems and micro grids, with the 2022 special topics of sector coupling and storage. This year, the topic of hydrogen will also be more strongly represented at the Wind & Solar Integration Workshop.

NEW: The 1st Hydrogen Power System Integration Symposium with special topic “Electrification of Industry Processes” will be added as the third conference of the Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week. It will feature presentations by specially invited international experts.

The organizer and many longtime participants look forward to exploring the synergies of combining electromobility, hydrogen and large scale solar and wind integration into power systems in one conference week.

Find more information on the respective event websites:

6th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium on 10 Oct 2022:

1st Hydrogen Power System Integration Symposium on 11 Oct 2022 – NO Call for Papers / Invited Speakers only:

21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop, 12 – 14 Oct 2022 with special topics Sector Coupling & Storage. Call for Papers also includes Hydrogen Topics:

Über die Energynautics GmbH

Energynautics ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen, das sich auf Fragen der Netzeinbindung von erneuerbaren Energien und innovative nachhaltige Energiekonzepte, wie z.B. Smart-Grids, spezialisiert hat. An der Schnittstelle von Industrie und Forschung bieten wir für eine breite Palette an Kunden – wie z.B. Netzbetreiber, Hersteller von Komponenten für erneuerbare Energieanlagen und Regierungsbehörden sowie Nichtregierungsorganisationen – Beratungsleistungen an. Zudem sind wir Veranstalter von jährlich stattfindenden, internationalen Konferenzen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Energynautics GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 7
64293 Darmstadt
Telefon: +49 (6151) 78581-00

Anke Ost
Senior Marketing & Events Manager
Telefon: +4961517858164
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