Intensive seminar on Auto ABS and RMBS – True Sale with Case Study ‘SC Germany’ (Seminar | Online)

Securitisation has been driven by tremendous regulatory impetus alongside with fundamental market developments:

  • EU-Securitisation Regulation, in force since 1 January 2019, has affected all segments
  • Coronavirus consequences such as deferrals of receivables, supply chain disruptions & price volatility
  • Extension of high quality segment STS for synthetic securitisations and rules around SRT
  • Transparency and disclosure obligations have further increased with the Securitisation Repository & ESG
  • ESG & Sustainable Finance is about to redefine rules and priorities of market players

On the other hand the importance of securitisation as an asset-based refinancing tool has grown equally. All these developments demand high-quality training courses to keep market participants on all levels up to date.

Our comprehensive >>intensive seminars on Auto ABS and RMBS – True Sale with Case Study contribute to a deeper understanding of quality among all parties involved.

The following main topics will be covered: 

  • Overview of a specific, current securitisation transaction
  • What matters in the credit process and what the STS regulation requires
  • Legal aspects – assignment, insolvency protection, tax matters and how STS comes into play
  • Overview of ECB approval
  • Regulatory framework under the new Securitisation Regulation
  • Accounting aspects
  • The work of rating agencies
  • Cash flow modelling and transaction evaluation
  • Investor’s perspective

Eventdatum: 06.04.22 – 07.04.22

Eventort: Online

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:

True Sale International GmbH
Mainzer Landstraße 61
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: 06929921713

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