Gold and silver tubes found in the Caucasus once served as drinking straws.
In a burial mound in the Caucasus, eight tubes were first discovered in 1897, along with many valuable objects. They are a good one meter long and made of silver or gold. Today exhibited in the museum in St. Petersburg, they served as straws 5,000 years ago. This has now been discovered, because barley starch granules were found on the inside of the tubes – so beer was drunk from them.
Today, the question of sustainability is also of interest in gold investments. Social aspects and environmental issues also interest investors. Gold and silver serve as protection against crises and ensure the preservation of assets, but investors also want to invest sustainably. That’s why the World Gold Council has also worked with members and the United Nations to develop measures aimed at sustainability. Targets in the areas of economic development in the mining area, clean energy, environmental protection and social inclusion are to be realized by 2030. The protection of indigenous cultures, human rights, occupational health and safety and workers’ rights are at the forefront. Environmental regulations are therefore becoming increasingly stringent, because mining is a risky business. Time and again, there have been or still are accidents, events or mining methods that are harmful to the environment and health. Mining also requires large amounts of water and energy.
To make the mining sector safer and more environmentally friendly, drones, satellites and intelligent machines and robots are now in use. Electric vehicles and renewable energies do the rest.
Torq Resources – -, for example, with three projects involving gold and copper in Chile, emphasizes compliance with all laws and a high ethical standard.
Revival Gold – – also prioritizes the safety and well-being of the team, the environment and the communities affected. Active in Idaho, Revival Gold is in the formerly producing Beartrack-Arnett gold property.
Current corporate information and press releases from Torq Resources (- -).
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