With 3D-printed lithium cells, Blackstone Technology GmbH (100% subsidiary of Blackstone Resources AG) produces climate-friendly and clean batteries for a sustainable change in transportation. "With Blackstone Thick Layer Technology ©, we have developed a groundbreaking technology in-house, with which we produce reliable, high-performance battery-cells with an optimal cost-benefit ratio and particularly low environmental impact in the heart of Europe," says CEO Ernst.
Technical and ecological lead convinced initiators
This world first in the manufacturing segment allows for a significantly higher energy density of +20%, thus promising more range in electromobility, and relies on a water-based manufacturing process: the consumption of critical raw materials and chemicals is thus sustainably avoided or reduced. The manufacturing costs are also considerably lower with 3D printing compared to currently widespread production methods for lithium-ion batteries. These arguments have now also convinced the initiators of the Green Product Award.
The organisers of the annual international competition for innovative, sustainable products and services were impressed: "The nominated entry ‘3D-printed lithium batteries’ shows how a mix of sustainability, design and innovation can reconcile a good lifestyle with a more sustainable future," says Nils Bader, director of the Green Future Club and initiator of the Green Product Award.
On May 18th., the Green Product Award ceremony will take place in Munich’s ARRI cinema, it is one of the top events of the Munich Creative Business Week. In addition to the winners, the first collaborations between the participants will be announced then, organised by the Green Future Club.
Blackstone Resources AG
Blackstone Resources is a Swiss Holding Company, with its legal domicile in Baar, Kanton Zug, and is concentrating on the battery technology and battery-metals market and offers direct exposure to the battery-technology revolution.
Presently, Blackstone Technology builds up a production-line for small series of 3D printed batteries in Döbeln, Saxony, Germany. The short-term production will be pouch-cells with the Blackstone Thick Layer Technology © which allows a 20% higher density in lithium-ion cells, Blackstone Resources continues the program of development in solid state batteries and its production process.
Electric vehicles and batteries have driven the demand for large quantities of various metals. Therefore, Blackstone Resources explores, develops and trades battery-metals such as lithium, cobalt, manganese, graphite, nickel and copper.
About the Green Future Club
The Green Future Club is dedicated to a future where all products are sustainable and has been recognising products and services that stand out in terms of design, innovation and sustainability with the international Green Product Award since 2013. The aim of the club is to inspire consumers and industry with good examples and to provide feedback and networking opportunities for award participants so that more and more sustainable products find their way onto the market.
The award presents 12 categories – Working World, Architecture & Tiny Houses, Fashion, Building Components, Interior & Lifestyle, Children, Consumer Goods & Personal Care, Kitchen, New Materials and Mobility.
Blackstone Resources AG
Blegistrasse 5
CH6340 Baar
Telefon: +41 (41) 44961-63
Telefax: +41 (41) 44961-69
Telefon: +41 41 449 61 63
E-Mail: s.yilmaz@blackstoneresources.ch