SMA Energy Data Services at E-world – Energy Data in Real Time for the Intelligent Integration of Prosumers into Energy Grids and Markets

SMA Solar Technology AG (SMA) will be unveiling its range of SMA Energy Data Services at E-world in Essen, Germany, from February 5 to February 7, 2019. Based on real-time data from over 400,000 PV and battery systems with 1.5 million connected devices on the world’s largest platform for energy data, SMA offers unique services in this area to grid operators, energy traders, direct marketers and forecasting service providers.

“The decentralization and digitalization of the energy supply is advancing apace across the world. Against this background, the provision of up-to-date and precise generation and prosumer data as well as grid information is becoming increasingly important for an efficient, sustainable and secure energy supply and for the use of new business models,” said SMA Chief Excutive Officer Jürgen Reinert.

“We offer our customers comprehensive and tailored API-solutions, e.g., in the areas of grid operation management and planning, marketing of PV electricity and home energy management. In doing so, we use a database of more than 1.5 million connected devices that is unrivalled worldwide. Our data is particularly valuable where artificial intelligence, big data analytics and digital solutions are used to solve challenges in the energy industry,” added Jochen Bornemann, Executive Vice President Digital Center at SMA.

The services offered by SMA Energy Data Services include real-time prosumer data down to micro grid level, prosumer forecasts, grid state data and customer-specific data packages. Of course, SMA always takes care to protect its customers when supplying data. For example, the aggregation of current measurement data for PV power generation is based on postal code areas, which is an effective means of preventing the identification of individual systems. The transmission grid operator TenneT is already successfully using anonymized, real-time data from over 50,000 PV systems to integrate the PV electricity generated in its grid area smoothly and efficiently into the electricity grid.

You can find out everything about the solutions offered by SMA Energy Data Services from February 5 to February 7, 2019 at E-world in Essen, Germany, booth 2-314.

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Über die SMA Solar Technology AG

The SMA Group with sales of around €900 million in 2017 is a global leader for solar inverters, a key component of all PV plants. SMA offers a wide range of products and solutions that allow for high energy yields for residential and commercial PV systems and large-scale PV power plants. To increase PV self-consumption efficiently, SMA system technology can easily be combined with different battery technologies. Intelligent energy management and digital energy solutions, comprehensive services and operational management of PV power plants round off SMA’s range. The company is headquartered in Niestetal, near Kassel, Germany, is represented in 19 countries and has more than 3,000 employees worldwide, including 500 working in Development. SMA’s multi-award-winning technology is protected by more than 1,200 patents and utility models. Since 2008, the Group’s parent company, SMA Solar Technology AG, has been listed on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (S92) and is listed in the SDAX index.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

SMA Solar Technology AG
Sonnenallee 1
34266 Niestetal
Telefon: +49 (561) 9522-0
Telefax: +49 (561) 9522-100

Susanne Henkel
Manager Corporate Press
Telefon: +49 (561) 9522-1124
Fax: +49 (561) 9522-531400
Anja Jasper
Head of Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 (561) 9522-2805
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