ViewSonic Kickoffs the ColorPro Award 2021 Global Photography Contest by Announcing This Year’s Theme, “New Adventure”

From 14 August to 15 September, 2021, everyone is welcome to submit photos based on the theme for this year, “New Adventure.” Prizes include ViewSonic ColorPro VP2776 professional monitors, cash prizes, and a package of photography tools.

“The theme of last year’s contest, ‘Kindness’, brought hope to people during the pandemic. This year, the future remains uncertain, we hope to remind people that venturing into the unknown can lead to new adventures,” said Oscar Lin, Head of the Monitor Business Unit at ViewSonic. “We are glad to once again host this global contest with our partners to form a community for all creators to exchange artistic ideas, and provide a platform for creators to showcase their aspects of what ‘New Adventure’ means to them.”

The ColorPro Award not only seeks to encourage people to express themselves through art but engaging with other creators can demonstrate how artwork can make a difference to the world. To further assist creators in evolving their creative process, prizes made available by ViewSonic and its partners for exceptional submissions include ViewSonic ColorPro VP2776 professional monitors, cash prizes, and professiConsoles and Capture One Licenses, which improve the efficiency of artwork editing and Shoot The Frame Premium Memberships, allowing photographers to submit imagery into their monthly photo awards.

ViewSonic also invited three renowned professional photographers to share inspiring photographs of this year’s theme, “New Adventure”. Dan Rubin’s photo shows a narrow pathway on a ridge leading into a misty mountain, expressing anticipation and discoveries. In Luke Stackpoole’s photo, a girl, embodying the spirit of adventure, walks toward the sea on a beach in Sochi, Russia. And Paola M Franqui’s photo captures a woman who goes horse riding early on a quiet and misty morning in Bend, Oregon, embarking on a voyage of gratitude.

All submitted photographs will be evaluated based on three main criteria: (1) Overall impression conveyed, and emotion delivered; (2) Originality, creativity, and storytelling; (3) Technical aspects, such as lighting, exposure, colour, tone, and execution.

Visit the campaign webpage for more details by clicking here.

Contest Details

• Open to submission: 14 August 2021, to 15 September 2021

• How to participate: Submit your photo with the theme of “New Adventure” to the event site.

• Prizes:

First Prize

1. Cash USD$3,000

2. ColorPro VP2776 Monitor

3. Monogram Master Console

4. Shoot The Frame Premium Membership 5. Capture One perpetual license

Second Prize

1. Cash USD $1,000

2. ColorPro VP2776 Monitor

3. Monogram Studio Console

4. Shoot The Frame Premium Membership 5. Capture One perpetual license

Third Prize

1. Cash USD $500

2. ColorPro VP2776 Monitor

3. Monogram Studio Console

4. Shoot The Frame Premium Membership

5. Capture One perpetual license

Special Prize for top 200

1. Tickets to join a photography training webinar curated by Getty Images and iStock

Special Prize for all

1. Free trial of Capture One

2. Shoot The Frame 50% discount on premium membership for 12 months

About Monogram Creative Console

Monogram is built on the foundation of inspiring creativity and productivity by designing tools that adapt to fit any creative. First launched in 2013, Monogram’s first generation product received outstanding reviews by thousands of photographers and video editors in over 150 countries. Its award-winning design was also used in the making of The Madalorian and on stage at Madison Square Garden. Monogram’s newest hardware, Creative Console, launched in November 2020 and significantly refines these foundations based on user feedback and new technology. Funded by prominent venture capital firms SOSV, Extreme Venture Partners and MaRS IAF. Monogram is headquartered in Kitchener, Canada. Learn more at

About Shoot The Frame

Shoot The Frame, launched in 2012, are a suite of monthly photography awards. Join professional and amateur photographers from around the globe and enter your best portrait, landscape and wildlife photos for a chance to win fantastic prizes and international exposure.

About Capture One

Capture One delivers award winning photo software to empower image creators everywhere. With powerful editing and workflow tools, Capture One makes photo editing more seamless and precise than ever. With unmatched colour handling and reliable tethered support for all major camera brands, it’s preferred by pro photographers and studios worldwide.

About Getty Images

Getty Images is the most trusted and esteemed source of visual content in the world, with over 415 million assets available through its industry-leading site which serves creative, business and media customers in almost 200 countries and is the first place people turn to discover, purchase and share powerful content from the world’s best photographers and videographers.

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ViewSonic Deutschland
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46284 Dorsten
Telefon: +49(0)2154 9188-0
Telefax: +49(0)2154 9188-10

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