Udrus Announce Exciting New Partnerships with the best German High Schools & Universities

Udrus announced that they have partnered with CBS International Business School, Berlin School of Business & Innovation, EU Business School, ISM International School of Management, IU International University of Applied Science, UE University of Europe and Ten others that are listed on https://www.udrus.com/

Udrus is committed to support prospective international students to start their Journey in Germany best Universities and to choose the best programmes with data-driven insights to make an informed decision about where to study so they can reach their full potential.

With Thousands of study programs Students can now easily chose their destination to Study in Germany, ( Foundation year, Studienkolleg, Bachelor, Master and MBA programs ).

UDRUS and Partner Schools

Prospective international students visiting Udrus website looking to study in Germany and other countries across the world will be able to receive assistance from Udrus counsellors.

“Udrus is one of the biggest names in the MENA region, and we’re delighted to be able to partner with them to further our goal of helping students find the right course and university for their international study ambitions in Germany,” said Mona Al-Ghussein, Business Development Manager at UE University.

More Offerings for Students

“We’re delighted to be partnering with such great Schools” said Fahed Jaarah, Founder and CEO at Udrus. “Udrus was created to encourage students reach their full potential, with a unique and historical schools such we we can support more undergraduates and postgraduates than ever, reach and find the right university and courses. We look forward to working alongside with our Partners.”

Über UniApp

Udrus is a German EdTech matching the brightest minds and the best educational institutions. Bringing together International students from all over the world and the universities that suit them best with the objective of fulfilling the full potential of the student, Udrus is personalising the learning outcome for each student, focused on the wellbeing and soft skills matching of the individual.

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