Focus event “Capture the Light” with image processing experts from IDS

For the successful implementation of image processing applications, it is not only important to choose the right camera and a suitable image sensor. In order to capture light without interference and convert it into usable information, suitable optics and high-quality filter glasses also play a decisive role. The focus event "Capture the Light" on June 24th at 2 p.m. BST addresses this topic in three exciting sessions. Over the course of around 90 minutes, participants can expect an introduction to the possibilities of modern sensor technologies; in addition, there will be an explanation of the options available when every single pixel is needed for an extremely clean image and what should be considered when choosing the right lens. IDS specialists will be available to answer individual questions between the sessions and in a panel round at the end. Registration and participation is free of charge via the IDS Vision Channel at

With the IDS Vision Channel, camera manufacturer IDS created an online platform at the beginning of the year for sharing knowledge on industrial image processing topics. The company regularly offers virtual live events where speakers pass on their expertise to participants free of charge. Particularly convenient: at various virtual tables, participants can get in touch directly with the specialists, ask questions or exchange experience with other participants. Anyone who has missed a session can simply view the recording in the media library at a later date.

On June 24th, the focus event "Capture the Light" will first deal with the topic of "Inside sensor technology", followed by a discussion of the maximum possible image cleanliness in "When clean is not enough". Before the final panel discussion, "Would you like a lens with that?" will question selection criteria when buying lenses. To participate, all that is required is a free registration in the IDS Vision Channel. Afterwards, all upcoming events can be conveniently added to one’s own calendar and past sessions can be accessed in the media library.

Über die IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH

The industrial camera manufacturer IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH develops high-performance, easy-to-use USB, GigE and 3D cameras with a wide spectrum of sensors and variants. The almost unlimited range of applications covers multiple non-industrial and industrial sectors in the field of equipment, plant and mechanical engineering. In addition to the successful CMOS cameras, the company expands its portfolio with vision app-based, intelligent cameras. The novel image processing platform IDS NXT is freely programmable and extremely versatile.

Since its foundation in 1997 as a two-man company, IDS has developed into an independent, ISO-certified family business with more than 330 employees. The headquarters in Obersulm, Germany, is both a development and production site. With branches in the USA, Japan, South Korea and UK as well as other offices, IDS is represented internationally.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH
Dimbacher Str. 10
74182 Obersulm
Telefon: +49 (7134) 96196-0

Claudia Kirsch
Redakteurin Produktkommunikation
Telefon: +49 (7134) 96196-158
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