A retrofit solution for holistic system life-cycle management

GEMÜ CONEXO is an innovative and holistic solution for life-cycle management of all types of systems. The system currently consists of valves that are equipped with RFID chips and a corresponding IT infrastructure.

Thanks to serialization, every relevant valve component, such as the body, actuator or diaphragm, can be clearly traced and read at any time using the RFID reader – the CONEXO pen. The CONEXO app, which can be installed on mobile devices, not only facilitates and improves the "installation qualification" process, but also makes the maintenance process much more transparent and easier to document. The app actively guides the maintenance technician through the maintenance schedule and directly provides him with all the information assigned to the valve, such as test reports, testing documentation and maintenance histories. The CONEXO portal acts as a central element, helping to collect, manage and process data.

Now the range is being expanded to include a retrofit solution. With CONEXO Retrofit, it is possible to retrofit GEMÜ valves in existing systems and to retrofit products from third-party providers with GEMÜ CONEXO, and to integrate these into the intended software environment. To identify the plant components, various options are available, depending on the requirements: Plastic shield with cable tie, adhesive labels for plastic components, and captive stainless steel seal.

The product range is also supplemented by a cloud solution. This does not require local installation of the CONEXO portal. This type of connection facilitates network-independent access to data stored in the cloud from anywhere in the world.

Über die GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG

GEMÜ is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of valves, measurement and control systems. Over the course of more than 50 years, this globally focused, independent family owned enterprise has established itself in important industrial sectors thanks to its innovative products and customised solutions for process media control. GEMÜ is the world market leader for sterile valve applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

Today, the GEMÜ Group employs over 900 employees in Germany and more than 1600 worldwide. Manufacturing is carried out at six manufacturing sites in Germany, Switzerland, China, Brazil, France and the USA. From Germany we coordinate global marketing with 27 subsidiaries and with a large distributor network in more than 50 countries, the GEMÜ Group is active on all five continents. GEMÜ will continue to establish itself in future markets with its international growth strategy.

A broad based modular system and adapted automation components mean that individualised standard products and customised solutions can be combined to make over 400,000 product versions.

Further information can be found at www.gemu-group.com.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG
Fritz-Müller-Straße 6-8
74653 Ingelfingen-Criesbach
Telefon: +49 (7940) 123-0
Telefax: +49 (7940) 123-192

Ivona Jovic
Corporate Communication
Telefon: +49 (7940) 123-708
Fax: +49 (7940) 123-487
E-Mail: ivona.jovic@gemue.de
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