QRydDemo – A Quantum Computer based on Rydberg Atoms

Quantum computers promise solutions for certain computational tasks that overwhelm conventional supercomputers, such as optimization problems or the simulation of novel materials and compounds. Coordinated by the University of Stuttgart, partners from academia and industry have just started the collaborative research project "QRydDemo" towards a quantum computer “made in Germany”.

TOPTICA Photonics AG is the lead industry partner and brings in its globally unique know-how in the field of lasers for quantum technology and co-finances the four-year project with more than one million Euro. Additional nine million Euro are provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). 

Within the framework of this project, TOPTICA performs research on novel laser solutions for use in advanced quantum computers. On the one hand, this comprises low-noise high-power lasers for the realization of so-called "magic" single-atom traps to enable quantum registers with long coherence time. On the other hand, ultra-low phase noise lasers are required to perform quantum gate operations with high fidelity. Lasers with the required specifications do not yet exist on the market.

“TOPTICA emerged about 25 years ago from the environment of academic research in the field of "quantum optics", which has now evolved into quantum technology. Many of our employees have had an academic career in this field and most of our customers are involved in quantum technology. Thus, fascination and enthusiasm for the field itself is a very strong driver for our involvement in such fundamental projects.” – Dr. Juergen Stuhler, Vice President Quantum Technologies at TOPTICA, points out. Furthermore he notes, ”Our technological know-how and the quality of our products will grow in the long term as a result of our partners’ requirements and their feedback. This is how we maintain our market leadership in the field of lasers for quantum technology – and beyond.”

This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the program "Quantum Technologies – From Basic Research to Market" (13N15633).

For any further information please consult our web page at: www.toptica.com  and visit www.project.uni-stuttgart.de/qryddemo

Über die TOPTICA Photonics AG

TOPTICA has been developing and manufacturing high-end laser systems for scientific and industrial applications for 20 years. Our portfolio includes diode lasers, ultrafast fiber lasers, terahertz systems and frequency combs. The systems are used for demanding applications in biophotonics, industrial metrology and quantum technology. TOPTICA is renowned for providing the widest wavelength coverage of diode lasers on the market, providing high-power lasers even at exotic wavelengths.

TOPTICA’s employees take pride in developing customized systems. In close collaboration with several universities and institutes, latest scientific discoveries are frequently incorporated into commercial products. With a global distribution network, TOPTICA provides exceptional service worldwide. With 340 employees TOPTICA earned revenue of 76 million Euro.

Don’t miss our news and updates: https://www.linkedin.com/company/toptica-photonics

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

TOPTICA Photonics AG
Lochhamer Schlag 19
82166 Gräfelfing
Telefon: +49 (89) 85837-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 85837-200

Jan Brubacher
Senior Expert Marketing
Telefon: +49 (89) 85837-0
Fax: +49 (89) 85837-200
E-Mail: jan.brubacher@toptica.com
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