FSK invites to the International Specialist Conference Foamed Plastics 2018

Innovations, lectures, contacts and trends – the Specialist Association Foamed Plastics and Polyurethanes offers the perfect platform at its annual industry event, the International Foamed Plastics Conference in Papenburg at the end of November.

The Specialist Association Foamed Plastics and Polyurethanes (FSK) will be holding its annual International FSK Specialist Conference Foamed Plastics from 27 to 29 November. The 2018 venue for the FSK Specialist Conference will be the Forum Alte Werft in Papenburg and will offer participants everything they need to know about foamed plastics. The two-day conference agenda includes lectures from numerous companies and institutions in the field of foamed plastics and of course, the traditional FSK evening event. Among other things, new solutions with technical foams and composites in various fields of application, flame protection in PUR and innovations in lightweight construction will be presented. Further topics will include effective vibration isolation with IMO-certified PUR elastomers and the introduction of technologies for using high-pressure water jets as universal cutting media. "It is very important that, with this international conference, the specialist association offers the industry a platform where topics in the field of foamed plastics are addressed in a variety of ways and from different perspectives. There should also be enough time for questions and discussions," said Klaus Junginger, Managing Director of the FSK. To provide the participants with the opportunity for intense discussions and networking, the association itself has organised an interesting supporting programme, which will begin with an evening Get-Together at the Fischhaus Smutje in Papenburg and extend to an evening event at the Alter Güterbahnhof. A special highlight this year will be the tour of the MEYER WERFT shipyard. The presentation of the FSK Innovation Award Foamed Plastics 2018, for which submissions are currently being accepted, will also take place in a festive setting. "With the wide variety of topics, the participants can look forward to extremely interesting and future-oriented impulses from the professional world," promises Klaus Junginger.  
Very special and new – this year companies have the opportunity to present their company, special technologies or innovations to the participants of the event as exhibitors in the Forum Alte Werft. Space is limited! If you are interested in exhibiting, please contact the FSK team directly.                                                                                     

The programme for the International FSK Specialist Conference Foamed Plastics 2018 is now available for download on the website of the specialist association.

Registration online, by fax: +49 (0) 711 993 751 11 or by e-mail: fachtagung2018@fsk-vsv.de or by postal mail directly to the FSK.

For further information please visit www.fsk-vsv.de or call +49 (0) 711 993 7510.

Über den Fachverband Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane e.V.

Erfolgreiche Branchen brauchen starke Fachorganisationen als Plattform für Austausch und Kontakte sowie zur Interessenvertretung. Der Fachverband Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane e.V. (FSK) ist ein Verband der kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie, der ein Gesamtvolumen der Industrie rund um Polyurethane und Schaumkunststoffe von rund 9 Mrd. Euro repräsentiert. Er gehört zu den wichtigsten Fachverbänden seiner Branche in Europa und ist nach seiner 50-jährigen Tradition der größte nationale Verband.

Zu den Mitgliedern des FSK aus über 10 Ländern gehören Rohstoffunternehmen, Maschinenhersteller, Systemhäuser/Formulierer und vor allem verarbeitende Unternehmen aus den Werkstoffbereichen Polyurethan, Polypropylen, Polyethylen, Kautschukschäume, Melaminharzschaum, PVC-Schaum usw.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Fachverband Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane e.V.
Stammheimer Str. 35
70435 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 9937510

Josephine Schüler
Telefon: +49 (711) 993-7510
E-Mail: fsk@fsk-vsv.de
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