Click and Carry – DWK Life Sciences gets a Handle on DURAN® Bottle Transportation

For users who have to handle large glass GL 45 laboratory bottles, DWK Life Sciences has introduced a system for the manual transport of bottles. The system was developed to help users safely handle the larger laboratory bottles, which can be heavy and difficult to move when filled with liquid.

The DURAN® GL 45 Bottle Carrying System is built around a specially designed GL 45 bottle collar that securely engages around the bottleneck. Anti-slip, high-strength polypropylene strapping holds the bottle body securely in place. One of the risks during transportation is accidental impact, and for this reason, a shock absorbing silicone rubber component protects the base of the bottle. All of the system components can be autoclaved, and cleaning while attached to the DURAN® bottles.

Alistair Rees, Product manager, at DWK Life Sciences commented, "The new system allows the larger GL 45 DURAN® bottles to be transported easily and safely around laboratories and production facilities. The system is designed to assist the user as well as protecting the glass bottles and contents."

The product range consists of four, dedicated manual carriers for the 2, 5, 10 or 20 litre GL 45 glass lab bottles. The exact configuration offered depends on the bottle size: The 5-litre carrying system has a side handle that allows the contents to be safely poured in a controlled way. Whereas the 10 and 20 litre bottle carriers, feature two ergonomically shaped carrying handles that allow two-person lifting.

Available as optional accessories, are two wheeled metal dollies that allow the larger 10 or 20 litre bottles to be rolled around with ease. Additional handle is available for easier handling of the metal dolly.

The full product range will be available for demonstration on the DWK Life Sciences Stand B7 Hall 4.1, at ACHEMA 11 – 15 June 2018, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

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Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

DWK Life Sciences GmbH
Hattenbergstraße 10
55122 Mainz
Telefon: +49 (6131) 1445 4131
Telefax: +49 (6131) 1445 4016

Ursula Körner
Telefon: +49 (6131) 1445-4428
Fax: +49 (6131) 1445-4016
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