Pentair Jung Pumpen simplifies information exchange with architects and planners thanks to digital twins

Pentair Jung Pumpen GmbH, a German manufacturer of pumping systems with a focus on building drainage, sewage technology and fresh-water pumps, recorded a steadily increasing demand for design relevant 2D & 3D BIM CAD data. In order to meet the requirements of its European customers with regard to public tenders in particular, Pentair Jung Pumpen is now relying on the many years of know-how and the proven solution for the digitalization of technical products from CADENAS GmbH.

Efficient communication with customers thanks to optimized data provision

Today, architects, planners and MEP specialists worldwide need quick and direct access to extensive technical product information. In the past Pentair Jung Pumpen has received most requests for intelligent BIM CAD data by phone or email. Since these inquiries are often very individual, detailed processing has so far taken a long time. Before the introduction of the online product catalog based on CADENAS’ eCATALOGsolutions technology, Pentair Jung Pumpen could not provide its customers with 3D CAD models. Also, the product data, such as mechanical and electrical data, were only available in form of data sheets on the website. Accordingly, it became necessary to optimize the information exchange between the manufacturer and its customers. The goal was to find a proven solution that would provide customers with planning-relevant product information more quickly and at the same time reduce Pentair’s internal processing time for inquiries.

eCATALOGsolutions minimizes queries and shortens project planning times of customers

"Our main priorities were to quickly meet our requirements for the creation of a catalog with 3D CAD data of our products while reducing the internal effort for us," explains Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kämpf, Marketing Communication Manager at Pentair Jung Pumpen. "It was clear to us that we needed an expert at our side to help us achieve this", Kämpf continues.

Thanks to the implementation of the Electronic Product Catalog based on the eCATALOGsolutions technology of CADENAS, engineers, architects and planners have now access to intelligent 3D BIM CAD product data of more than 50 lifting methods in the field of building drainage for free download. Thus, the desired component can be simply selected from the online catalog on the Pentair Jung Pumpen website, the 3D CAD download portal or within the search engine It is then possible to download the component in over 150 native CAD formats, such as Revit, ARCHICAD, Allplan, SketchUp and Tekla, and integrate them it into the design with just a few clicks.

Customer feedback shows the need for digitization

"Our customers have responded very positively to the 3D CAD model catalog of our products. Engineers, designers and architects now receive the required components without long waiting times," explains Kämpf. "In the upcoming months, we will continuously work together with CADENAS on the implementation of further product lines.”

The 3D CAD download portal of Pentair Jung Pumpen can be found at:

More information about Pentair Jung Pumpen can be found here:

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