Proven power clamping nut

With the MCA power clamping nut from JAKOB Antriebstechnik, the user has at his disposal a long-proven, widely used and economical clamping element. Without additional installation effort, this clamping technology can ensure the highest clamping forces and maximum operational reliability – and is easy to operate manually. For this only a wrench SW 17 is required. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use a torque wrench to set exact, reproducible tightening torques. The special inner life, an integrated planetary gear mechanics, multiplies the manual tightening torque.

Their durability has been proven on a specially designed test bench. They were subjected to a continuous load of 10,000 load changes and were able to confirm all expectations.

The power clamping nut MCA is based on the predecessor model MC. Externally, the changed design and the reduced external dimensions are striking first. But also in the inner life a lot has changed. The bearing of the planetary gears is now accomplished by stable claws instead of bolts. This made room for significantly larger screw threads and increased the performance range by up to 100%. The material made of tempered steel and the surface coating that protects against corrosion guarantee a long service life of the clamping elements. The tightness of the drive mechanism and splash protection could also be increased. The MCA mechanical clamping nut is maintenance-free under normal operating conditions and can be used in special versions up to 400°C.

The power clamping nuts are used in all areas of mechanical engineering where large clamping forces are required. For example, the economic clamping of press and punching tools or workpiece clamping during machining. But also in steel and jig construction there are universal application areas.

The series MCA is available with clamping screws from M12 to M64 and with clamping forces up to 200 KN in the standard program.

The MCA-S / MCA-T version expands the power clamping nuts with star- or T-handles to enable simple operation by hand.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

JAKOB Antriebstechnik GmbH
Daimlerring 42
63839 Kleinwallstadt
Telefon: +49 (6022) 22080
Telefax: +49 (6022) 220822

Jan Möller
Telefon: +49 (6022) 2208-55
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