Kastner & Öhler Opts for SSI Schaefer for Extending their Central Warehouse

Kastner & Öhler, one of the largest fashion and sports providers in Austria, has commissioned SSI Schaefer with equipping its central warehouse in Graz. The flexibly expandable solution to be implemented will facilitate shorter delivery times while enabling considerable efficiency increases for order processing for the growing online business.

The family business Kastner & Öhler was founded in 1873, which gained international recognition in the fashion world thanks to innovation and quality. Under the brand name Gigasport, Kastner & Öhler is also a leading sports provider. It is the largest Austrian owned fashion and sports company, with both its headquarters and a central warehouse located in Graz. The company operates a total of 33 locations in Styria, Carinthia, Burgenland, and Upper Austria as well as two outlets in Graz. In the Kastner & Öhler and Gigasport online shop, customers have access to a wide range of products. The new shipping solution will be able to process more than 10,000 shipments per day.

Large online providers have opted for products and solutions by SSI Schaefer for years. For the Kastner & Öhler central warehouse in Graz, modern intralogistics will ensure efficient processing of shipments for the e-commerce business. Scaling up for a future implementation can be easily done too, thanks to the already considered extension stages.

The decision to select SSI Schaefer was strengthened by the fact that the intralogistics expert is able to supply the project with required solution components from its location north of Graz. Regarding the logistics concept itself, efficiency and flexibility were just as convincing as was the ergonomics factor, which played an essential role in the design of shipping work stations.

Completion and commissioning of the project is scheduled for mid-October this year – just in time for Black Friday and holiday shopping. This helps achieve short delivery times even in case of higher shipping volumes for a positive customer experience.


The SSI Schaefer Group is the world’s leading provider of modular warehousing and logistics solutions. It employs approximately 10,500 people at its group headquarters in Neunkirchen (Germany), at eight domestic and international production sites, and at approximately 70 worldwide operative subsidiaries. Across six continents, SSI Schaefer develops and implements innovative industry-specific answers to its customers’ unique challenges. As a result, it plays a key role in shaping the future of intralogistics.

SSI Schaefer designs, develops and manufactures systems for warehouses and industrial plants. Its portfolio includes manual and automated solutions for warehousing, conveying, picking and sorting, plus technologies for waste management and recycling. In addition, SSI Schaefer is now a leading provider of modular, regularly updated software for in-house material flows. Its IT team, with a headcount in excess of 1,100, develops high-performance applications, and provides customers with in-depth advice on the intelligent combination of software with intralogistics equipment. SSI Schaefer’s broad IT offering, including its own WAMAS® and SAP products, delivers seamless support for all warehouse and material flow management processes. Solutions from SSI Schaefer improve the productivity and efficiency of customer organizations – not least through the highly precise monitoring, visualization and analysis of operational metrics for proactive intralogistics management.

SSI Schaefer offers highly sophisticated, turnkey systems. As an international player, it can deliver one-stop solutions to all four corners of the earth. Its comprehensive portfolio encompasses design, planning, consulting, and customer-specific aftersales services and maintenance.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Fritz-Schäfer-Strasse 20
57290 Neunkirchen / Siegerland
Telefon: +49 (2735) 70-1
Telefax: +49 (2735) 70-396

Annika Nolte
Junior Project Manager CR & PR | Global Marketing
Telefon: +49 (2735) 70-9683
Fax: +49 (2735) 70-382
E-Mail: Annika.Nolte@ssi-schaefer.com
Melanie-Marie Kämpf
Marketing & Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (2735) 70-252
Fax: +49 (2735) 70-382
E-Mail: melanie.kaempf@ssi-schaefer.de
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