Brake disc splash panel from Herth+Buss

It is a generally well-established fact that brake discs and brake pads have to be replaced regularly depending on wear and that TÜV testers look at the functioning of the brake system. Less focus is often placed on the splash panels attached behind the brake discs, also known as laminations. They protect the suspension and brake components from moisture, dirt, heat and other particles that are thrown up during travel, such as brake dust. They are also used to protect the ESP sensors.

If the splash panels on the vehicle are in an inadequate condition, for example if they are heavily affected by rust, this can also be criticised during the main inspection. However, this is not a significant defect. On the other hand, vehicle owners in Austria have to take note, as this is sometimes more stringently penalised in the recurrent assessment of vehicles there according to the information that the parts specialist Herth+Buss has.

Parts specialist Herth+Buss now offers the brake disc splash panels in its Jakoparts range. Further information and the parts which are suitable for particular vehicles can be found in the parts specialist’s online catalogue.

Splash panel, brake disc

Article number: J332* – J335*

Über Herth+Buss Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. KG – English press compartment

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Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Herth+Buss Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. KG – English press compartment
Dieselstraße 2-4
63150 Heusenstamm
Telefon: +49 (6104) 608-0
Telefax: +49 (6104) 650-75

Anika Kipphan
Telefon: +496104 608268
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