ProMinent at drinktec 2017: Disinfection with low chlorate and chloride levels

Standard disinfection processes produce chlorate concentrations far above the desired minimum limits. The alternative is DULCO®Lyse, which guarantees a chlorate level far below manufacturers’ specifications. ProMinent presents its optimised diaphragm electrolysis process on stand 316 in hall B3 at drinktec 2017. The trade fair runs between 11 and 15 September 2017 in Munich.

What is special about the ProMinent process is the fact that it has made it possible for the formation of problematic by-products to be reduced to a minimum. The levels of chlorate and chloride produced in the optimised ProMinent process are much lower than those of standard processes.

The highly effective DULCO®Lyt 400 disinfectant produced delivers less than 0.01 ppm of chlorate for one dose of 1ppm FAC (Free Available Chlorine). These values were measured in accordance with DIN/EN ISO 103054-4 (D25):1999-07 (below detection limit).

DULCO®Lyt 400 has proven, highly reliable bactericidal, viricidal and fungicidal efficacy. This is confirmed by the results of the Research and Teaching Institute for Brewing in Berlin (VLB), which examined its specific anti-microbiological efficacy.

Several producers of alcohol-free beverages and manufacturers of baby food are using the process with great success. For these companies, the disinfectant generated on site isn’t just a cost-effective alternative to conventional chlorine disinfectants, it also ensures sustainable production with minimal chlorate and chloride concentrations and improves process reliability thanks to very accurate metering.

The diaphragm electrolysis process Dulco®Lyse ensures:

Very low chlorate content
Accurate metering and process control
Environmentally friendly, highly effective disinfection
No corrosion, thanks to extremely low chloride content
Economical production on-site from water and table salt
Long-term freedom from germs, without the need to transport, store and handle highly concentrated chemicals

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Über die ProMinent GmbH

For more than 50 years, the ProMinent Group has been a manufacturer of components and systems in the field of fluid metering as well as a reliable solution partner for water treatment.

Based on innovative products, comprehensive expertise in process technology and distinct application orientation, practical solutions are developed for customer-specific requirements. Thereby, ProMinent supports its customers worldwide with regard to safety, efficiency and environmental compatibility.

The Group is headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany. About 2,400 employees in 55 own sales, production and service companies as well as representations guarantee service and availability in more than 100 countries all over the world.

In addition to the treatment of public drinking and waste water, the key sectors include chemical industry, industrial water treatment, food and beverage industry, treatment of swimming pool water and oil and gas industry.

The extensive product portfolio consists of components such as metering pumps, peristaltic pumps, process controllers and sensors for water parameters; products for water treatment such as metering systems for polymers as well as complete metering systems and accessories such as chemical storage containers and transfer pumps. For the process and plant technology used in the oil, gas and energy sectors, the Group provides process metering pumps and plants from its own production.

Under its own brand ProMaqua, ProMinent offers a broad portfolio of environmentally friendly and economic water treatment and disinfection processes with highest efficiency.

The product range comprises chlorine dioxide plants, electrolysis systems, UV systems, ozone systems as well as ultrafiltration systems.

In order to be a dependable long-term partner for its customers, the Group is investing constantly both in product innovation and in state-of-the-art manufacturing processes with a high level of in-house production. 12 worldwide production facilities guarantee a consistently high standard of quality, flexibility and delivery reliability.

More detailed information is available at

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ProMinent GmbH
Im Schuhmachergewann 5-11
69123 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 (6221) 842-0
Telefax: +49 (6221) 842-215

Michael Birmelin
Telefon: +49 (6221) 842-270
Fax: +49 (6221) 842-215
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