Global Retail Technology Market Status and Outlook: Intellias RetailTech Whitepaper

In July 2020, Intellias, a trusted IT partner to Fortune 500 retailers and top global brands, has released a new executive whitepaper titled “Evolving RetailTech: Winning Competition in the Digital Era.”

Blazing-fast growth of the retail market poses numerous complex challenges for all players. Some of the most important ones are ensuring cybersecurity and creating a unique customer experience. To undertake these complicated tasks, some retailers and brands implement artificial intelligence technology from its inception.

“IBM predicts that the number of businesses using AI will double by 2021, reaching 80%.”

Adopting entirely new technologies, companies face the issues of accurate data collecting, its further security, and compliance. Nonetheless, the biggest retailers and brands – such as Amazon, Walmart, and Zara – already apply AI to their business models. This makes smaller players reshape their approach of doing business to stay in-game completely.

In this whitepaper, Intellias explains what the new rules for the retail business are and what habits brands need to adopt to win digital-savvy consumers.

This whitepaper features:
– An in-depth analysis and comprehensive review of what powers the future of retail and depicts a $340 billion opportunity for the retail market
– A global outlook of machine learning, big data, security, and fraud detection in retail
– Practical use cases of advanced technologies that can disrupt the targeted sector and help to learn from global retail brands, outlining new approaches to outdated business models
– A roadmap for companies to shift from traditional commerce to AI-centered

“In the near future, approximately 85% of the customer interactions in the global retail sector will be managed and moved by artificial intelligence.”

Based on extensive research, Intellias predicts what the retail future can look like with AI at its core and how your company, no matter of its size, can benefit from it. Intellias offers its deep expertise, technical solutions, and a complete roadmap of the product development for retailers to deliver up-to-date, customer-centric services.

Download the whitepaper to get more insights on how to adapt to the evolving era of RetailTech –

Über Intellias

Intellias is a software engineering company with nearshore development centers in the Ukrainian cities of Lviv, Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, and Ivano-Frankivsk, and on-site offices in Berlin, Germany, and Krakow, Poland. The company has 17 years of experience in the DACH and Benelux countries, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. KPMG has highlighted Intellias as one of the leading IT-BPO providers in Lviv. Intellias has also been recognized by Inc. 5000 as one of the fastest-growing privately held companies in Europe. In 2018, Intellias got backing from Horizon Capital, the biggest private equity fund in Ukraine, to broaden its delivery footprint.

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