NUSSER offers 3D BIM objects of urban furniture powered by CADENAS for easier planning

As of now, NUSSER Stadtmöbel provides the corresponding 2D, 3D & BIM objects for a large part of the products in cooperation with CADENAS, the specialist for digital product catalogs. Thanks to the new BIM product catalog, which is constantly being expanded, planners and architects now have the opportunity to configure the 2D, 3D & BIM objects of benches, tables, litter bins and various accessories directly in many popular BIM planning systems and then integrate them into their plans.

The data is maintained in a central database and is available for download to NUSSER customers via plugin in many popular BIM systems, such as Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft Archicad, Nemetschek Allplan, Vectorworks, Tekla Structures & SketchUp. In addition, for various urban furniture from NUSSER, manufacturer-approved tender texts, assembly or installation instructions as well as instructions for maintenance and care can also be downloaded free of charge.

Improved customer service & optimal marketing of urban furniture

For almost 90 years, NUSSER has been developing and producing furniture for public outdoor spaces. The products, manufactured in Germany, are produced in a balanced mixture of traditional craftmanship and industrial production. With the comprehensive, scalable solution for electronic product catalogs from CADENAS, component manufacturers such as NUSSER can take the step towards digitalization in a targeted manner and optimally support their customers and interested parties with free BIM data in their urban and landscape planning. The new BIM product catalog from NUSSER increases planning, cost and schedule reliability as well as process transparency. In addition, the product information is provided in two different levels of development (LOD) relevant for the respective construction phases. In this way, NUSSER meets the different needs of architects and planners in urban and landscape planning.

In addition to direct access from the BIM systems to the BIM objects from NUSSER, they are also available for free download on the company’s website. Thanks to deep links to the BIM product catalog, architects and planners can go directly from the selected NUSSER product to the 3D object in the product catalog powered by CADENAS. Therefore, the integration of the product information saves customers and interested parties a lot of time and research work.

"We at NUSSER see ourselves as a premium manufacturer in the field of urban furniture. In addition to the development and manufacture of first-class products for open space furnishing, we want to offer our customers above all an all-encompassing service. Driven by our own ambition to constantly improve our services, we are now offering BIM data for a large number of our products for free download on our newly designed website," says Alexander Beyer, authorized signatory and general sales manager of the NUSSER GROUP. "We are convinced that we can support architects and planners even better with this step. Thanks to the plugin developed by CADENAS, our BIM catalog is also directly accessible from many drawing programs. This improves and simplifies the workflow on the planning level tremendously. Our BIM catalog will now be successively expanded, supplemented with missing products and kept constantly up-to-date."

Textures and material properties for even more realistic representation of street furniture

In addition, NUSSER has enriched the 2D, 3D & BIM objects of its street furniture in cooperation with CADENAS with individual textures and material properties of the respective products. By displaying the surface structure in the 3D preview, architects and planners get an even more realistic impression of the urban furniture without increasing the complexity of the geometry. Thus, the BIM objects are also ideally suited for the use of Augmented Reality technologies and thus bring a great benefit to landscape and urban planning. With this outstanding feature, NUSSER stands out decisively from its competitors and is thus one-step ahead.

Further information about AR and the new CADENAS supported occlusion feature can be found in our news.

The new product catalog from NUSSER is now also available at:

Further information about NUSSER at:

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