With GEZE ActiveStop, doors are stopped gently, closed quietly or kept open with ease. Whether you give the door a gentle or a hearty push – the system opens it safely and independently, right up to the stopping position which can be personally adjusted to anywhere between 60 to 140 degrees. At the same time, the door damper brakes the door at the right time and keeps it open safely in the required position. This is also an advantage if it draws a lot during ventilation and the door threatens to slam shut in an uncontrolled way. In this case, GEZE ActiveStop intervenes and ensures the door is held open safely. Thanks to active damping, the door closes slowly and quietly from about 25 degrees and prevents not only noisy slams, but also damages to the door, unsightly marks on walls or injuries as well. Doors ‘run freely’ at between 25 and 60 degrees. The door damper reliably catches them from 25 or from 60 degrees.
Installation? It couldn’t be easier
GEZE ActiveStop can be integrated into room doors (including those with glass panes) with a leaf weight of up to 45 kilograms. Compact in size and measuring just 28 millimetres wide, the door damper can be integrated virtually invisibly into the door leaf, with few milling steps. The version that is fitted on the frame is adhered to glass or wooden doors and can easily be removed – a big advantage in rented accommodation, for example. End-users receive a complete door system and only have to set the desired back check and opening angle. The system can be adapted to any door situation. Because the door remains closed on its own, no lock latch is necessary.
Innovative design repeatedly awarded
GEZE ActiveStop meets the highest design standards and has received many awards, most recently at the ICONIC AWARDS: Innovative Interior 2018. In the “Building fixtures” category the international expert jury honoured the new door damper ‘GEZE ActiveStop fitted on the frame’ with the ‘Best of Best’ award.
21 – 24 March 2018, NürnbergMesse, Hall 2, Stand 2-424
Reinhold-Vöster-Str. 21-29
71229 Leonberg
Telefon: +49 (7152) 203-0
Telefax: +49 (7152) 203-310
Public Relations
Telefon: +49 (7152) 203-536
Fax: +49 (7152) 203-77536
E-Mail: e.schellinger@geze.com