Smap3D Plant Design realizes the connection to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform from Dassault Systèmes

Smap3D Plant Design GmbH, a leading provider of comprehensive software solutions for plant and pipeline engineering, announces the connection of its turnkey software solution to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform from Dassault Systèmes. This enables Solidworks users to seamlessly manage their CAD data throughout the entire planning process including process engineering (P&ID), 3D piping and isometrics data within a unified, collaborative environment.

The 3DEXPERIENCE platform provides companies with a holistic, real-time overview of their business activities and ecosystem. By connecting people, ideas, data, and solutions in a single collaborative environment, it drives innovation and efficiency. As a central information source, the platform serves as the foundation for result-oriented processes and the unified capture of all activities within the 3DEXPERIENCE ecosystem.

For many years, Smap3D Plant Design has been a "Certified Gold Product" partner for Solidworks. Dassault Systèmes’ renowned CAD system is seamlessly integrated with Smap3D Plant Design, transforming it into a powerful tool for piping and process engineering. The connection of Smap3D’s comprehensive software solution to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform marks the next significant step in providing Solidworks users with an even more efficient and interconnected workflow. “The connection of Smap3D Plant Design to the 3DXPERIENCE platform is a new milestone in our partnership with Dassault Systèmes. This now makes it much more attractive for a large number of Solidworks users who require comprehensive, end-to-end piping planning for their designs to manage their product data via the platform.”

Smap3D Plant Design is a worldwide utilized software for the engineering and fabrication of pipes. It covers the entire process chain, from process engineering (P&ID) through piping planning (3D Piping) and isometrics, to fabrication planning and control. Seamlessly integrated into various CAD systems such as Solidworks, Smap3D Plant Design ensures a consistent and efficient engineering process. In addition, the software includes supplementary modules for steel construction, simulation and the conversion of point cloud data (3D Laser scanning).

By connecting to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, Smap3D customers benefit from a cloud-based solution that supports the entire product development process. This includes seamless collaboration across different disciplines and locations, secure data exchange, and real-time insights for informed decision-making.

More information about Smap3D Plant Design can be found at To learn more about the 3DEXPERIENCE platform by Dassault Systèmes, visit

Über die Smap3D Plant Design GmbH

Smap3D Plant Design offers holistic software solutions for the planning and fabrication of pipes in plants and machines. The company covers the entire process chain, from process engineering (P&ID) through piping planning (3D Piping) and Isometric, to production planning and control. Modules for steel construction and for the simulation and conversion of point cloud data (3D Laser scanning) round out the portfolio. The solutions can be completely integrated into the most common CAD systems in use in industry, Solid Edge, SolidWorks and Inventor, enabling turnkey plant engineering. With headquarters in Germany as well as worldwide offices and partners, Smap3D Plant Design has distinguished itself through many years of expertise in plant planning and construction. The team provides assistance and advice to customers and partners, from consulting and implementation to training and technical support. This continuous process in all phases of product development has been proven in companies from many different industries, including process industry (e.g. chemical, beverage, food, pharmaceutical), environment and water technology.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Smap3D Plant Design GmbH
Am Marktplatz 7
93152 Nittendorf
Telefon: +49 9404 9639-10
Telefax: +49 9404 5209

Katrin Ehrenleitner
Public Relations
Telefon: 09404963941
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