connect to award best networks in Spain and in The Netherlands

The media brand connect has once again tested the performance of the mobile and fixed-line networks in The Netherlands as well as the performance of the mobile networks in Spain. The tests were completed at the beginning of February and provide comprehensive insights into the users’ experience. The resulting benchmark reports evaluate all tested operators and determine who receives the ‘Best in Test’ award in The Netherlands and in Spain this year. In both countries, connect executes the network tests since 2015. The reports will be published on March 4, 2025; the awards will be handed over at the Mobile World Congress 2025 in Barcelona.

“We put a great deal of effort into determining, which network operators are the leaders in both countries using objective and customer-oriented test procedures. We look forward to the results – it will be interesting to see who takes the lead this year”, says Hannes Ruegheimer, editor at connect.

This year, connect has tested The Netherlands’ mobile operators KPN, Odido and Vodafone, as well as the fixed-line operators KPN, Odido and Ziggo, and additionally Delta for the regional assessment. In Spain, connect analysed the mobile networks of Movistar, Orange, Vodafone and Yoigo.

connect’s independent mobile network tests provide a fair, transparent and neutral assessment and comparison of the networks’ capabilities to customers, management and supervisory boards of mobile network operators. The assessment was first conducted in Germany more than 20 years ago and has since been extended to Austria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. It has become the de-facto industry standard for customer-perceived network quality.

Über die WEKA Media Publishing GmbH


WEKA Media Publishing GmbH has dedicated itself to this motto. With its premium media brand connect at its heart, whose family also includes the brands connect conference and connect professional, it accompanies readers through exciting worlds of technology. Both in print and digital, high editorial competence and objective product tests in the company’s own test laboratory are a constant requirement. This is one of the reasons why WEKA Media Publishing GmbH is one of Germany’s largest media houses in the technology sector and also offers a test laboratory for competent and independent testing services that is unique in the media landscape.

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