Time for a new inspection experience

Red carpet roll-out and premiere: Yesterday, Yxlon International launched its completely new operating concept with the innovative universal x-ray and CT system YXLON UX20. Specialized x-ray knowledge is no longer mandatory. Now, even untrained personnel can easily achieve optimal inspection results. This is made possible by the award winning YXLON Geminy software platform, which combines all the programs involved. With intuitive menu navigation, numerous pre-settings and the ability to switch seamlessly between radioscopy and computed tomography you are ensured of perfect testing processes, performed quickly and easily.

With its compact footprint, the UX20 is specially designed for use in harsh environments like foundries in the automotive and aviation industries. The system components such as the generator, cooler and high-voltage cable are economically integrated into the cabin for protected and extended use while still easily accessible for maintenance work. UX20 is ideally suited for the inspection of castings, welds, plastic and ceramic components and special alloys. Thanks to the advanced CT functions, parts of sizes up to 800 mm in diameter and 1100 mm in height can reliably be inspected. The height-adjustable operator work area is directly attached to the system. When opening the door, the parts manipulator automatically moves to the edge of the cabin offering ease of loading. You can view all of these new system highlights in product videos, which are available to all interested parties at www.yxlon.com/premiere.

Another additional benefit of the YXLON UX20 is the versatility of the system to grow with the user’s requirements. Purchase a basic system in the standard configuration, then choose from our extensive offering of upgrades and options to keep your investment current with your changing needs.

Über die YXLON International GmbH

YXLON International, a company of the Swiss Comet Group, designs and produces radioscopic and CT inspection systems for the widest variety of applications and fields. Whether situated in the aviation & aerospace, automotive or electronics industry, our customers are among the largest producers, major enterprises that place their confidence in our quality worldwide.

The name Yxlon stands for assurance and quality for all types of cast parts, tires, electronic components, turbine blades, welded joints and a lot more. Our product portfolio includes X-ray systems for installation in radiological inspection envelopes, universal X-ray inspection systems on the basis of fully shielded devices, as well as solutions specific to a customer. Whether in manual, semi or fully automated operation, our inspection systems are ideal for deployment in research & development and can be integrated into any production process.

CT systems have been an integral part of our product portfolio since as far back as 2003. Computed tomography provides a three-dimensional insight into inspection items, thus enabling the analysis of inner structures, dimensional measurement tasks in metrology applications or actual-to-nominal comparisons to CAD data, to name only a few examples. Besides delivering a more precise inspection evaluation when compared with radiography, computed tomography also provides valuable information about the production process. Above and beyond such advantages, our microfocus systems permit highly detailed looks into the most intricate structures and tiniest components.

With our headquarters in Hamburg, sales and service locations in Yokohama, Hudson (Ohio), San Jose (California), Beijing, Shanghai, and Hattingen, as well as a network of representatives in over 50 countries, as YXLON we’re local for our customers all over the world.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

YXLON International GmbH
Essener Bogen 15
22419 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 52729-0
Telefax: +49 (40) 52729-170

Gina Naujokat
Marketing Communications
Telefon: +49 (40) 52729-404
Fax: +49 (40) 52729-170
E-Mail: gina.naujokat@hbg.yxlon.com
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