Virtual exhibition booth showcases Mosca solutions for automation and digitalisation


  • Digital programme for customers, journalists and innovators
  • Virtual tour highlights machine innovations and digitalisation concepts
  • Mosca experts available via live chat from 11-15 May

Automation and digital applications are pointing the way to the future of packaging processes. No wonder: smart systems lower costs, ease workloads and save energy. To show what this looks like at the end of a packaging line, Mosca is launching a digital exhibition stand on 11 May at Viewers are invited on a virtual tour of a fully automated end-of-line system featuring several different machines and digitalisation concepts designed to maximise machine availability. The programme also includes news and information related to strapping materials and services. Mosca experts will be available from 11-15 May between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. CET to answer questions and offer advice via live chat.

"Although we are currently unable to share information with our customers and others face-to-face, we see the virtual platform as an opportunity to showcase machines and concepts for a digital, automated future," explains CEO Timo Mosca. As part of their virtual exhibition stand, the strapping specialists will be presenting a fully automated application highlighting the newest end-of-line technology for securing bundled products for transport. Featuring three high-performance machines from the Mosca range and two machines from other manufacturers, the display includes the Mosca EVOLUTION SoniXs MS-6, EVOLUTION SoniXs MS-6-H and EVOLUTION SoniXs MS-6 KR-ZV along with a Fuji Yusoki palletising robot and a Movitec stretch wrapper. Website visitors can click on the info points to learn more about the different models and download brochures.

Digitalisation has high potential – The future starts now!

The virtual exhibition stand also offers a glimpse into the future and presents digitalisation scenarios that could increase the availability of strapping applications. Video clips explain concepts like "Pay per Use" – a model in which customers only pay for the actual machine output usage. "No matter what solution or application we are working on, we always ask ourselves how we can integrate digital applications to optimise the process. Our main goal is to maximise machine availability," explains Tobias Baier, Head of Sales Machines D-A-CH at Mosca.

Sharing and knowledge transfer

Mosca is also using the digital exhibition platform for a change of perspective. Virtual visitors are invited to take part in a survey and share their views on digitalisation in the packaging process. Christoph Leppla, Head of Electronics Design at Mosca, explains: "We already have a number of concepts that can bring the digital future to life. The next step is to work with our customers to determine what the digitalisation of their processing lines and business processes with Mosca means for them – and what we can do to support them."

Mosca experts will be available from 11 to 15 May between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. CET to offer exhibition stand visitors advice via live chat. The online platform with all information, downloads and videos will remain available after this period. 

Über die Mosca GmbH

Mosca GmbH is a system supplier, developer and producer of high-quality strapping machines, strapping materials and safety systems for transporting goods for professional and industrial use. The machine portfolio ranges from universal devices with a wide range of applications, to fully automated high-performance machines that can be integrated into any higher-level automation line. Mosca produces strapping material out of PP and PET in one of the most modern sites in Europe. Mosca’s international distribution, service and consulting network enables global service for customers. Based in Waldbrunn (Germany), the family company was founded in 1966 and is present in 16 countries with 19 offices and six production sites in Germany, Malaysia, Canada and USA. It employs over 1000 employees. With continuous new developments, the strapping experts have maintained quality and technology leadership in the strapping sector for more than 50 years. Further information can be found at

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Mosca GmbH
Gerd-Mosca-Strasse 1
69429 Waldbrunn
Telefon: +49 (6274) 932-0
Telefax: +49 (6274) 932400-118

Nicole Frey
Werbefachfrau für Online Marketing
Telefon: +49 (6274) 932-317
Fax: +49 (6274) 932400-317
Barbara Hott
Telefon: +49 (6221) 1877912
Fax: +49 (6221) 90574-11
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