GEMÜ is expanding production capacities in Shanghai

In-house machining and coating of valve bodies and discs is expanding the manufacturing capabilities and is a further important step towards a global production concept.

The production of butterfly valves at GEMÜ Valves China is part of GEMÜ’s global production concept. As part of this global production concept, GEMÜ has set the course for further expanding the capability for the production of butterfly valves in their factory in Shanghai.

To achieve this, the manufacturing capabilities have been significantly expanded in order to further increase the effect on production steps that are decisive for quality. In concrete terms, this means that GEMÜ has specifically invested in the mechanical machining and coating of the valve bodies and butterfly discs, and now carries out these production steps themselves in their own Butterfly Valve Production Center with the assistance of state-of-the-art technology.

In recent months, a new fully automated coating system was fitted and commissioned for this purpose. In addition, GEMÜ has developed a special manufacturing and clamping concept that can be used to achieve narrow shape and positional tolerances.

Furthermore, in recent months, an interdisciplinary project team made up of German and Chinese specialists at GEMÜ Valves China was working intensively on the fine adjustment of the individual parameters in order to optimize the production processes. Now that this work is complete, the expanded GEMÜ production centre has started up its activities.

This has laid the foundations for the latest generation of the GEMÜ R480 Victoria soft-seated, butterfly valve to be produced in accordance with the most stringent quality requirements at the new butterfly valve competence centre in Shanghai, China with immediate effect.

"The expansion of the manufacturing capabilities in our Butterfly Valve Production Center in China is a key step on the path to implementing a global production concept," says Gert Müller, Managing Partner at GEMÜ, commenting on the expansion of production capacities in China. "With the expansion of our factory in Shanghai, we are offering our customers, thanks to the significant production depth, significant improvements in safety and flexibility, and are implementing our "Made by GEMÜ" strategy at yet another location."

GEMÜ Valves China was founded back in the year 2000 and is one of the largest subsidiaries of the GEMÜ Group. Even before expanding production capacities, the company in Shanghai was one of GEMÜ’s most state-of-the-art factories. Thanks to the continued investment in employees, design, production and logistics, GEMÜ Valves China is an important site in GEMÜ’s global production concept.

Über die GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG

The GEMÜ Group develops and manufactures valves, measurement and control systems for liquids, vapours and gases. GEMÜ is a global market leader when it comes to solutions for sterile applications.

The globally focused, independent family-owned enterprise was founded in 1964. In 2011, Gert Müller took over as Managing Partner together with his cousin Stephan Müller, becoming the second generation to run the company. The Group achieved a turnover of over €330 million in 2019 and currently employs over 1900 members of staff worldwide, over 1100 of whom are in Germany. They have six manufacturing locations: Germany, Switzerland and France, as well as China, Brazil and the USA. Their worldwide marketing is carried out across 27 subsidiaries, coordinated from Germany. Thanks to a large network of commercial partners, GEMÜ is now active in over 50 countries on all continents.

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Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG
Fritz-Müller-Straße 6-8
74653 Ingelfingen-Criesbach
Telefon: +49 (7940) 123-0
Telefax: +49 (7940) 123-192

Ivona Meißner
Corporate Communication
Telefon: +49 (7940) 123-708
Fax: +49 (7940) 123-487
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