Flexible sealing element A4200/… Reliable and cost-efficient encapsulation of inserts

Encapsulating metal parts with plastic involves particular challenges. On the one hand, the insert must be securely sealed against the cavity that is to be filled with plastic so as to reliably prevent flash formation. On the other hand, high-quality insert surfaces, such as lacquered or electroplated surfaces, are frequently scratched or damaged by parts of the mould. The consequences range from cost-intensive reworking of the moulded parts to increased reject rates.

The A4200/… flexible sealing element supplied exclusively by HASCO provides the optimum solution here. This plastic sealing element (MurSeal® technology) for injection moulds, which is the only one of its kind on the market, can be used to encapsulate metal inserts without any flash or damage, employing both reinforced and unreinforced plastics such as PBT 30%GF, PA 30%GF and TPE.

Injection moulds equipped with the A4200/… sealing element operate more reliably and economically and thus significantly reduce costs. Minimising the amount of rework and reducing scrap, decreases the unit cost and optimises the component quality.

The A4200/… is particularly suitable for use with sheet metal thicknesses of approximately 4 mm and above. Irrespective of the thickness, the A4200/… permits compensation of tolerances of up to 0.1 mm per side to the cutting level, 0.1-0.15 mm crosswise and, with round inserts, approximately 0.2 mm in the diameter.

The A4200/… is the first plastic sealing element which, after problem-free machining, not only replaces but far outperforms conventional steel seals. It guarantees a high performance in respect of use and assembly and an excellent surface quality.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

HASCO Hasenclever GmbH & Co KG
Römerweg 4
58513 Lüdenscheid
Telefon: +49 (2351) 9570
Telefax: +49 (2351) 957-237

Annette Lampe
Telefon: +49 (2351) 957-503
Fax: +49 (2351) 957-6503
E-Mail: ALampe@hasco.com
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