Han® S: Reliable contacting for modular energy storage systems

HARTING is now presenting the Han® S, the first ever large-scale special connector for battery storage modules. The new series meets the technical requirements set down in the latest standards for stationary energy storage systems (incl. UL 4128) and offers users optimal reliability for connected units. The series features housings with space for a heavy-current contact up to 200 A. 

The pin contacts are mounted in the attachment housing, which is freely pivotable. The locking system engages intuitively. The use of red for plus and black for minus, combined with the mechanical coding system, mean that the interfaces cannot be confused. Han® S thereby facilitates fast and reliable contacting for energy storage modules and helps to process high numbers of connections. Alternatively, the new series can also be installed as part of the control line (BUS system) for the battery management system. It features special pin contacts in the attachment housing to support this.

Interfaces in modular energy storage systems are subject to special requirements. For instance, the wiring for lithium-ion batteries requires compact plug connections that do not heat their surroundings even when transmitting high currents. The connector housing must move as freely as possible to serve storage units as effectively as possible in terms of enhancing performance and efficient cooling.

The Han® S series combines straight attachment housings with angled “sleeves” that have integrated pivotable protective elements for the contacts. This combination can be rotated 360°, including when installed – a key feature given the very limited space between the door opening and energy storage modules in a storage cabinet. This results in flexible connectors with high current load capacity enabling the integration of as many storage components as possible where space is at a premium.

Further information:

Über die HARTING Stiftung & Co. KG

The HARTING Technology Group is one of the world’s leading providers of industrial connection technology for the three lifelines of Data, Signal and Power and has 14 production plants and 44 sales companies. Moreover, the company also produces retail checkout systems, electromagnetic actuators for automotive and industrial series use, charging equipment for electric vehicles, as well as hardware and software for customers and applications in automation technology, mechanical and plant engineering, robotics and transportation engineering. In the 2018/19 business year, some 5,300 employees generated sales of EUR 750 million. Founded on 1 September 1945, the company will be celebrating its 75th anniversary at numerous trade fairs and events.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

HARTING Stiftung & Co. KG
Marienwerderstr. 3
32339 Espelkamp
Telefon: +49 (5772) 47-0
Telefax: +49 (5772) 47-400

Detlef Sieverdingbeck
Zentralbereichsleiter Publizistik und Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (5772) 47-244
Fax: +49 (5772) 47-400
E-Mail: Detlef.Sieverdingbeck@HARTING.com
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