7 Questions with Dr Adriana Locher

Dr Adriana Locher is a brilliant surgeon who also shares her knowledge as a digital opinion leader. The Argentinian focuses on lifelong learning and shares her tips and tricks on products and surgical techniques with a broad online community. We talked to her about her career, her path to success, and her favourite W&H products.

1. May you please introduce yourself and provide some background information about your expertise and experience in oral surgery and implantology?

Adriana Locher: Hi, I’m Dr Adriana Locher. I am a dentist and oral surgeon and currently practice in Switzerland. Originally, I am from Argentina and that’s also where I started my journey in dentistry at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). In 2010, I completed my DDS degree (Doctor of Dental Surgery). From a young age, I felt the need to share my knowledge, and so I started becoming a faculty member at UBA at the age of 19. When I graduated, I knew I wanted to continue expanding my knowledge and skills. In 2013, I reached another milestone by completing my specialisation in oral implantology and high complexity rehabilitation. This field – implantology, bone regeneration, and prosthesis rehabilitation – has become my passion. Travelling to different countries has not only enriched my knowledge, but also provided new perspectives and ideas for my own practice. My travels took me to various parts of Latin America, to the United States for my master’s degree, and to Europe, including Italy, Switzerland, France, and Spain. In my final presentation for my master’s degree in Spain and the United States, I won the first prize for oral presentation among all the universities in Spain. The topic was peri-implantitis, a pathology that is currently of great concern to us implantologists, and knowing that I can collaborate in this way with my patients and colleagues fills me with satisfaction. I stay in contact with colleagues and key opinion leaders because I believe that being informed about the latest advancements and insights is crucial for providing the best possible care to my patients.
I have had the opportunity to be a speaker at various conferences, give hands-on courses, write books and scientific articles and work on educational development and training for several international companies in the dental industry. As you can see, my career is not just ‘going to work.’ It’s about doing what I love every day.

2. You are a digital opinion leader – what does that mean? Can you explain your role?

Adriana Locher: As a digital opinion leader, my role is centred around sharing knowledge and insights in a way that can positively impact the daily practice of medical professionals. I, for example, create videos and social media posts and use them to present information about products and surgical techniques – mainly on Instagram. Through my content, I not only introduce the product but also explain the situations in which it can be used most effectively. This approach allows medical professionals to learn about new techniques and products that can improve their practice. Of course, this does not replace a training, but it can provide new input. What sets Instagram apart is the interactive aspect it offers. I’m able to engage directly with the community, answer questions, address concerns, and moderate discussions. Overall, my role as a digital opinion leader enables me to bridge the gap between medical advancements and the professionals who can benefit from them.

3. How does being a DOL for W&H align with your professional goals and values?

Adriana Locher: I think, it’s important to say that my role involves a lot more than just creating videos on Instagram. My intention is to present products in a relaxed and approachable manner, but that doesn’t mean I have to compromise on the depth of knowledge and expertise that goes into them. So, being a digital opinion leader isn’t a departure from my professional identity. It’s a progression that allows me to reach and, in some way, educate a wider audience of medical professionals.

4. How did you start your social media career?

Adriana Locher: I started my social media career with the encouragement of a friend who recognised my talent for simplifying complex ideas. Her words motivated me, and because I have always been passionate about sharing knowledge, I gave it a try. When I filmed my first video, the response was overwhelmingly positive, and it opened up an incredible opportunity for me to connect with professionals and experts from around the world in various fields.
That’s also a thing I love about being a digital opinion leader: You have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas. It’s all about mutual transfer of knowledge.

5. Continuous learning and professional development are vital for any medical professional.
How do you stay up to date on the latest research and advancements in oral surgery?

Adriana Locher: I will always be connected to courses. For me, it’s a way of life. And somehow I will always be a student. What I mean by this is that you never stop learning – and teaching.
It’s an integral part of working in the medical field, where patient care is our utmost responsibility. Just as W&H continuously improves its products, I attach great importance to further developing my qualifications. As professionals, we must continuously improve our skills to ensure we provide the highest standard of care. I think what also helps me to stay up to date is my curiosity. Whether through online sources such as Instagram or attending global medical congresses, I’m always eager to learn and connect with international professionals.

6. How do you choose the brands or organisations you collaborate with?

Adriana Locher: The most important factor for me is the quality of the products. It’s not just about my personal preferences – it’s about making sure that I am working with exceptional tools.
My community trusts in my recommendations. I want to work with products that I believe in, products that I can stand by and confidently look my colleagues and patients in the eye while doing so. For me, it’s important to feel that the brand represents what I need for my daily practice.

What I appreciate about W&H is their holistic approach to dentistry. They don’t just produce surgical devices – they offer comprehensive solutions. These solutions encompass not only how to perform surgery, but also how to care for the patient and reprocess devices effectively, such as with NIWOP or AIMS. This reflects me as a dental professional because, like W&H, I believe that there is more value than just offering a service ora product. My goal is to ensure that my patients have a pleasant experience with me that goes beyond just a simple routine visit or surgery. Dentistry is not just a profession for me; it is a passion that I wholeheartedly dedicate myself to with love and respect. Even though there have been moments I missed and difficult decisions I’ve had to make, my love for what I do remains unwavering, and I strive to give my best every single day.

7. What is your favourite W&H product and why?

Adriana Locher: If I had to pick a favourite, it would probably be the Piezomed module. It’s a game-changer for me, allowing me to concentrate better during surgery and saving me valuable time.
The device’s efficiency and practicality stand out. In general, what I love about all W&H products is the consistent commitment to quality and efficiency.

Über die W&H Dentalwerk Bürmoos GmbH

Headquartered in Bürmoos, Austria, the international W&H Group is a global leader in the development and manufacture of medical technology products. Passion and innovation are the motor of the company. High-quality product and service solutions, a modern corporate structure, a strong focus on research and development as well as social responsibility make W&H a locally and globally successful family business. About 1,300 employees contribute to the production of hardware and software products for use in the dental, medical and veterinary industries.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

W&H Dentalwerk Bürmoos GmbH
Ignaz-Glaser-Str. 53
A5111 Bürmoos
Telefon: +43 (6274) 6236-0
Telefax: +43 (6274) 6236-55

Sarah Eder
Corporate Communication & Design
Telefon: +43 (6274) 6236-214
Fax: +43 (6274) 6236-990
E-Mail: sarah.eder@wh.com
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