Since the safety and health of our participants, customers and employees have the highest priority, we decided in consultation with the health authorities and following the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute to postpone the 30th Aachen Machine Tool Colloquium.
At this point of time, given the expected increase in corona virus’ spread, this decision is right and appropriate. In spite of the intensified information, hygiene and disinfection efforts, the availability of quarantine zones and the increase of medical staff on site, the health security precautions demanded by the Robert Koch Institute regarding the organization of major events would have been no longer achievable at all AWK’20 locations.
We assume the situation will calm down over the coming months and that a safe and unrestricted execution of the AWK will be guaranteed next year at the latest. We are currently in coordination and re-planning with the event center and will announce the new date of the Aachen Machine Tool Colloquium as soon as possible.
At this point we would also like to thank our partners, speakers and participants for their trust and commitment. If you have any further questions regarding participation in the AWK’20, please don’t hesitate to contact our lead organizer, Mr. Markus Meurer.
Further information about AWK’20 and contact to the event organisation
Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT vereint langjähriges Wissen und Erfahrung aus allen Gebieten der Produktionstechnik. In den Bereichen Prozesstechnologie, Produktionsmaschinen, Produktionsqualität und Messtechnik sowie Technologiemanagement bietet das Fraunhofer IPT seinen Kunden und Projektpartnern angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung für die vernetzte, adaptive Produktion. Das Leistungsspektrum des Instituts orientiert sich an den individuellen Aufgaben und Herausforderungen innerhalb bestimmter Branchen, Technologien und Produktbereiche, darunter Automobilbau und -zulieferer, Energie, Life Sciences, Luftfahrt, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Optik, Präzisions- und Mikrotechnik sowie Werkzeug- und Formenbau.
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT
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52074 Aachen
Telefon: + 49 241 8904-0
Telefax: + 49 2 41 8904-198
Telefon: +49 (241) 8904-180
Fax: +49 (241) 8904-6180
Hauptorganisation Aachener Werkzeugmaschinen-Kolloquium
Telefon: +49 (241) 80-28040