Turkey’s Energy Strategy for 2023 targeting energy efficiency and resource conservation – Invitation from the Turkish Ministry presents opportunities for cooperation

The whole world is facing radical transformation. Climate change and technological innovation in an age of rapidly permeating digitalization are transforming processes and other more disruptive things that just a few years ago were considered "immutable". Many people and especially the younger generations, not least due to the Fridays for Future movement, are concerned about their future in the face of global warming. The focus is now on energy transition, which more and more companies, private individuals as well as states are investing in, to gain in energy efficiency and conserve natural resources by using renewable energies.

Turkey’s Energy Strategy for 2023

At the invitation of the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, the Ministry and Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG will discuss Turkey’s strategic goals for energy efficiency. Due to increases in its energy consumption, Turkey is ranked No. 1 in Europe according to the Ministry in terms of the growth in demand for energy, and No. 2 in the world after China. It is planned to reduce consumption by 20% compared to 2011. At the same time, renewable energy sources are to be given priority over traditional means of energy production to take climatic and environmental considerations into account. In addition to wind power plants, emphasis is being put on roof-top photovoltaic systems, because with the introduction of smart grid technology, decentralised feed-ins can simultaneously be used as storage. Furthermore, in the case of a decentralised supply, the power transmission infrastructure is already in place and expensive cable routes and underground lines do not have to be built from scratch.

The challenge

Energy efficiency (i.e. the optimisation of energy requirements and increases in consumption) and developing the use of renewable energies, are the two basic approaches that states, companies and private individuals would like to follow. However, in addition to the high investment costs, these issues when taken together create a technological conflict. This conflict is based for one thing on the fact that demand increases ought not to be met using conventional energy sources, but preferably with renewable energies in an environmentally friendly manner. This type of energy generation cannot yet provide base loads in the way that centralized energy generators do today. Traditional large-scale storage technology is currently not designed for this, and the smart grid is still more of a buzzword than a reality. In addition, systems such as photovoltaics place an enormous burden on the grids, since DC-AC conversion also pollutes the transmission grids and can cause problems, both for the attached distribution systems and consumers. With regard to consumers, it should also be mentioned that nowadays these also perturb the grids due to their AC-DC clocking and they are becoming even more susceptible to power quality issues due to the constant growth in the use of electronics (see also ITIC curve). These act more and more as a hindrance to reaching the desired energy efficiency. They introduce a circuit that perturbs the mains, so appropriate countermeasures need to be taken. To do this, basic measurement systems in the right places are requires and the necessary understanding to be able to interpret the measurement results and identify the causes and remedies. This is where Camille Bauer Metrawatt would like to make a useful contribution in Turkey, to be able to guarantee grid stability for the future and avoid unwanted effects such as disruptions or even blackouts.

Further information is available at www.camillebauer.com

Über die Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG

Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG is a Swiss medium-sized company for the development and production of industrial measurement equipment. Organised in two business units, Camille Bauer offers customers application oriented solutions in the high-voltage monitoring and position sensoring. The company is part of the GMC-I with headquarters in Nürnberg, Germany and as such with its worldwide representatives is a renowned supplier for the measurement of electrical and energetic parameters. This includes a deep understanding of the needs of the electrical energy generation, distribution of energy as well as the industrial consumers. With its Swiss regard for highest quality and its strong capacity for innovation Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG delivers measurable added value to its customers. More information available from www.camillebauer.com

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Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG
Aargauerstrasse 7
CH5610 Wohlen AG
Telefon: +41 (56) 6182111
Telefax: +41 (56) 6182121

Sascha Engel
Telefon: +41 (56) 61821-22
Fax: +41 (56) 61821-21
E-Mail: sascha.engel@camillebauer.com
Maria De Pablos
Telefon: +34 (619) 0277-78
E-Mail: m.depablos@mepax.com
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