Kollmorgen’s New 2G Motion System

Kollmorgens next generation of AKD2G servo drives and AKM2G servo motors are optimal matched to deliver maximum performance without compromise.

Kollmorgen announces the 2G Motion System, a servo solution based on the latest thinking about singlesource, systems-based design. The 2G Motion System was designed specifically to harness the performance capabilities of Kollmorgen’s AKD2G servo drive and AKM2G servo motor. Motor and drive are precisely matched in every element (e.g. drive switching frequency, commutation algorithms, motor magnetics), avoiding micro-incompatibilities that can occur when engineers select components from various manufacturers. The result is a system that delivers maximum performance, efficiency, and effectiveness in even the most demanding applications, including: industrial printing, laser cutting, packaging, robotics, inspection and measurement, machine tools, winding machines, and food processing.

Key benefits of the 2G Motion System include:

– Reduced design envelope: For new machine designs, the AKM2G allows designers to decrease the size, complexity, and footprint of the machine, while still getting the power and performance their application needs. The AKM2G can also be dropped into existing machines to increase performance, compared to competing motors, without increasing the size of the motor. The AKD2G includes SafeMotion options, expandable I/O, and dual-axis models, all without increasing drive size.

– Increased dynamic performance: The AKM2G can reduce indexing and move and settle times by delivering increased torque and power in the same size or smaller package.

– Faster development and commissioning: The 2G Motion System optimizes performance in every system configuration, saving machine engineers the time and effort of evaluating various vendors and component combinations.

– Machine cost savings: Single-cable design, dual-axis drives, and co-engineered options reduce material and machine assembly costs. Improved motor and drive efficiencies reduce energy consumption, lowering operational costs.

– Special features: Kollmorgen Servo on a ChipTM, SafeMotion monitor, WorkBench GUI, extended I/O variant, extensive feedback options, single- and dual-cable options, shaft, mounting, and connector options, holding brake option, and much more.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Pempelfurtstraße 1
40880 Ratingen
Telefon: +49 (2102) 93940
Telefax: +49 (2102) 93943315

Celine Höfer
Telefon: +49 (2102) 9394-2130
E-Mail: celine.hoefer@kollmorgen.com
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