International PHP Conference 2020 – 25 years of PHP

This year’s spring edition of the International PHP Conference will take place in the center of Berlin, May 25 – 29. The main conference days are filled with inspiring sessions & keynotes by more than 50 international speakers from business, industry, and science. With more than 70 sessions, keynotes and workshops, attendees can develop and sharpen their skills with an invaluable insight into the experts’ knowledge.

The world of PHP is like a never-ending journey. With PHP’s 25th anniversary, the International PHP Conference continues to keep up with the times. In addition to the anniversary, there are also numerous innovations and updates in the PHP environment: Version 7 of one of the most popular PHP frameworks, Laravel, has been released and PHP itself is also expecting the big update to version 8 this year.

Besides all of the above mentioned innovations in the PHP world, PHPUnit 9.0 has also been released; at the International PHP Conference, Sebastian Bergmann (the framework’s inventor), Arne Blankerts, Ewout Pieter den Ouden, and Andreas Möller will talk about the changes they have made for the new version in their session "PHPUnit’s New Event Subsystem: A Success Story". In this session, the participants experience the journey from legacy logging to event-based reporting first hand and learn what this new subsystem is capable of.

The International PHP Conference not only helps to expand your knowledge of PHP, but also how to use it with other technologies, including plenty of ground-breaking tools, test automation, cutting-edge web security tactics, and state-of-the-art web architectures. Additionally, the webinale will run concurrently at the same venue. International PHP Conference attendees will have access to both conferences, doubling the value of their entrance ticket.

More information about the conference and the program are available on our website:

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