Agfa to demo Oberon and Jeti Tauro wide-format engines at FESPA 2020

Visitors to Agfa’s FESPA Global Print Expo booth will be able to discuss their business needs in detail with Agfa’s experts, while seeing two versatile workhorses pair extreme productivity with extreme quality: the brand-new Oberon RTR3300 roll-to-roll printer and the award-winning Jeti Tauro H3300 LED hybrid engine.

Oberon RTR3300

The Oberon RTR3300 is the latest addition to Agfa’s large-format printer portfolio. This dedicated 3.3 m high-end roll-to-roll system comes in a four and a six-color version, and combines extreme productivity and quality with an extensive media scope and a unique ease of use. Thanks to its water-cooled table and its UV LED lamps, it smoothly handles any kind of heat-sensitive roll material, including lower cost media. The dedicated mesh printing kit makes printing on mesh easy. The engine comes with a number of smart functions that speed up operations, facilitate job planning, and optimize media use.

read the complete press release


Über Agfa NV

Agfa develops, produces and distributes an extensive range of imaging systems and workflow solutions for the printing industry, the healthcare sector, as well as for specific hi-tech industries such as printed electronics & renewable energy solutions.

The headquarters are located in Belgium. The largest production and research centers are located in Belgium, the United States, Canada, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Austria, China and Brazil. Agfa is commercially active worldwide through wholly owned sales organizations in more than 40 countries.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Agfa NV
Paul-Thomas-Straße 58
40599 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (211) 229860
Telefax: +49 (211) 22986130

Kristof Van Cleemput
Global Communications Manager, Agfa-Gevaert NV
Telefon: +32 (3444) 7120
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