International Hardware Fair 2020 in Cologne: Klingspor cancels its participation

The abrasives manufacturer Klingspor has decided to cancel its participation in the International Hardware Fair in Cologne from 1st to 4th March 2020. The reason for this decision are the potentially considerable health risks for employees and business partners in connection with the corona virus SARS-CoV-2, which has been appearing worldwide since the beginning of the year, especially in view of the fact that the fair is expected to attract numerous exhibitors and visitors from regions affected by the virus.

Olaf ter Jung (Member of the Board): "We made the decision to cancel our participation in the trade fair after a comprehensive internal consideration process and it was not an easy one. Every two years, the hardware fair is the largest and most important trade fair worldwide for Klingspor, and it is an important factor for our market and sales growth. However, the health of our employees and business partners is clearly the first priority for Klingspor. Based on the current facts about the corona virus, a potentially considerable health risk could not have been excluded if we had participated in the fair. Therefore, we have decided not to participate in this year’s fair in order to make sure that our employees and business partners are safe. We are certain that this decision is in the interests of our employees and business partners.

About the Corona virus

The corona virus SARS-CoV-2 is the trigger of the coronavirus epidemic 2019/2020 ("Covid-19"). The disease was first observed in China in late December 2019. According to the official figures of the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 75,000 people worldwide (as of February 20, 2020) have contracted the disease to date; in more than 2,000 cases the disease has led to death.


Klingspor has been setting global standards in abrasive technology for more than 125 years. Our production facilities manufacture more than 50,000 items that fall, among others, into the product categories of coated abrasives, cutting-off wheels, grinding discs, abrasive mop discs, abrasive mop wheels and diamond tools, and that are designed for a wide range of different applications. Spread across the globe, our 36 production and distribution locations employ a total staff of 2,800 and afford us the flexibility we need to satisfy the requirements of each regional market. Our global support and consulting team is comprised of more than 460 field representatives, engineers, and highly trained technicians.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Hüttenstraße 36
35708 Haiger
Telefon: +49 (2773) 922-0
Telefax: +49 (2773) 9222-80

Christin Rabitz
Telefon: +49 (2773) 922-350
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