SPECTRO Introduces its New SPECTROMAXx with iCAL 2.0 ARC/SPARK OES Analyzer

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments has introduced the eighth generation of its SPECTROMAXx with iCAL 2.0 ARC/SPARK OES Analyzer — improved with innovative new capabilities and advancements in performance to achieve fast, accurate elemental analysis precisely tuned for material control and foundry applications.

The SPECTROMAXx may well be the industry’s leading OES line with more than 13,000 installations. The newest generation instrument features outstanding speed; quick and simple standardization; reliable and accurate results; minimal gas consumption; and a low cost of ownership for a more intelligent elemental analysis of incoming source materials, for in-process testing and traceability, and for final quality inspection.

The new SPECTROMAXx analyzer’s even faster measurement times and low consumables consumption provide greater productivity, analytical performance, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness than ever before.

Outstanding Speed: The new SPECTROMAXx achieves record-setting speed with optimized spark parameters for a 12 percent reduction in measurement times. (Example: low-alloy steel takes 3 seconds less than with previous models.) The ultrafast information enables users to quickly react to changing process conditions for substantial savings in both time and energy costs.

Quick, Simple Standardization: The new analyzer features SPECTRO’s proprietary iCAL 2.0 calibration logic, which needs only 5 minutes and a single sample per day rather than the 30 or more minutes needed by conventional analyzers. SPECTROMAXx with iCAL 2.0 compensates for most changes in environmental temperature or pressure without requiring reruns, unlike conventional instruments. Moreover, SPECTRO’s SPARK ANALYZER Pro software features a simplified operator view and programmable application profiles to ensure ease of use for less experienced personnel. The result: unparalleled stability, productivity, and savings.

Minimal Gas Consumption: Greatly reducing a substantial operational expense, SPECTROMAXx minimizes the use of costly argon gas without sacrificing analytical performance, unlike many other analyzers.

Low Costs of Ownership: The SPECTROMAXx analyzer’s low maintenance requirements deliver higher availability, while advanced diagnostics with critical status indicators make maintenance easier and prevent downtime. AMECARE services help promote uninterrupted performance and maximize ROI with machine-to-machine support that allows proactive alerts, backed up by an on-request PC connection with a remote SPECTRO service expert.

Carbon in Nodular Cast Iron Capability: Advanced OES technology enables SPECTROMAXx to precisely detect and analyze samples containing free graphite, with results comparable to those achieved by combustion analysis. The analyzer can monitor carbon during the pre-spark phase to detect free graphite and minimize its effects by selecting analytical conditions. This approach also uses a statistical method to detect bad samples automatically.

The new SPECTROMAXx with iCAL 2.0 ARC/SPARK OES Analyzer for material control and foundries is immediately available from SPECTRO Analytical Instruments. For more information, visit https://www.spectro.com/maxx, or email spectro.info@ametek.com.

Über die Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH

SPECTRO, a unit of the Materials Analysis Division of AMETEK, Inc., manufactures advanced instruments, develops the best solutions for elemental analysis in a broad range of applications, and provides exemplary customer service.

SPECTRO’s products are known for their superior technical capabilities that deliver measurable benefits to the customer. From its foundation in 1979 until today, more than 50,000 analytical instruments have been delivered to customers around the world.

AMETEK, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices with annual sales of approximately $5 billion.

For more information, visit http://www.spectro.com or email spectro.info@ametek.com.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH
Boschstr. 10
47533 Kleve
Telefon: +49 (2821) 892-0
Telefax: +49 (2821) 892-2200

Thorsten Görtz
Marketing Communications Coordinator
Telefon: +49 (2821) 892-2106
Fax: +49 (2821) 892-2207
E-Mail: Thorsten.Goertz@Ametek.com
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