ADFA 2 – Precise and reliable automatic localization of signals between 10 MHz and 8 GHz

With the ADFA 2, Narda Safety Test Solutions present their second automatic direction finding antenna. The RF measurement specialists have increased the frequency range in this automatic DF antenna by more than three times. When connected to Narda’s powerful real time receiver, the SignalShark, this now means that it can precisely and reliably localize signals between 10 MHz and 8 GHz (ADFA 1: 200 MHz – 2.7 GHz). Just like its smaller “brother”, the ADFA 2 delivers extraordinarily stable measurement results in seconds – it is insensitive to reflections. Its wide frequency range means that direction finding at low and high frequencies is covered equally. Compact and universal, it is unique in the market in combining an extremely broad spectrum with the minimum outlay of equipment. This makes the ADFA 2 particularly interesting for use by mobile network providers and regulatory authorities, as well as for military applications.

For applications on the move, the ADFA 2 is easily attached and detached from a car roof with the aid of its magnetic base. A single cable links it to the SignalShark. It delivers precise results with the highest accuracy even without the vehicle correction tables that are usually required. Whilst still on the move, the measurement technician can superimpose a heatmap on a stored map on the SignalShark display as well as view the found direction. The powerful localization software in the device automatically indicates where the interference source is most likely to be located. No additional PC or assistance is required for this.

The heart of the ADFA 2 is an array of nine antenna elements (dipoles) arranged on a flat plane with a central omnidirectional reference antenna, which allows the measurement technician to observe the signal spectrum during direction finding. The principle of automatic direction finding using single channel receivers is based on the phase difference between the antenna elements. The nine dipoles are here measured against the central reference antenna. The greater the distances between them and thus the detected phase difference, the more reliable the bearings. As a result of the extended frequency range at both ends of the scale there is a new lower plane for the range from 10 to 200 MHz and an upper one for the range from 2.7 to 8 GHz. While the external diameter of only 480 millimeters is unchanged, these additional planes mean that the ADFA 2 weighs 6.5 kg, which is just 1 kg more than the ADFA 1 (200 MHz – 2.7 GHz).

Über die Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH

Narda is a leading supplier of measuring equipment for RF Test & Measurement, EMF Safety and EMC. The RF Test & Measurement range includes analyzers and devices for the measurement and identification of RF sources. The EMF Safety product spectrum covers broadband and frequency-selective measuring devices, and EMF monitors for wide area coverage as well as personal safety monitors that can be worn on the body. The EMC sector offers instruments for determining the electromagnetic compatibility of devices under the PMM brand name. The range of services provided includes servicing, calibration, and training programs. The company operates a management system that complies with ISO 9001/2008 and ISO/IEC 17025.

Narda has development and production facilities in Pfullingen / Germany and Cisano / Italy, and has its own representative in Beijing / China. A worldwide network of representatives guarantees closeness to customers.

Narda is part of L3Harris Technologies.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH
Sandwiesenstr. 7
72793 Pfullingen
Telefon: +49 (7121) 9732-0
Telefax: +49 (7121) 9732-790

Thomas Jungmann
Texterei Jungmann
Telefon: +49 (7522) 9899850
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