Premiere for e-mobility testing event “Charging Symposium” – Registration officially started

From April 24th to 28th, 2023, e-mobility companies from around the world will gather near the Swabian capital to put electric vehicles (EVs) and charging stations (EVSEs) through their paces at comemso’s corporate headquarters. The goal: To drive forward the interoperability with latest charging standards between electric vehicles and charging stations worldwide. This is a prerequisite for optimal customer experiences during (fast) charging with all vehicle/charging station combinations.


Within five days, participants will be able to test and optimize their products in various test scenarios. The focus is on protocol tests of the various worldwide charging standards (CCS, CHAdeMO, GB/T), but also high-power charging or measurements of EMC interference radiation in the in-house EMC test chamber (Electromagnetic compatibility).

comemso is not only organizer: Through the company philosophy "from experts for experts", the company makes it it`s business to create a unique testing atmosphere. No matter whether the participants bring their test equipment, use comemso test systems or have special requests regarding test partners or testing requirements – everything is thought of and taken into account.

The special feature of the event: Sufficient time for many different test procedures that would require significantly more time and planning in the company’s own environment or "in the field", combined with the opportunity to conduct joint tests with the "big ones" in the industries.


"An event like this naturally requires long and intensive pre-planning," says Anita Athanasas, Head of Sales at comemso. "Since the beginning of 2022, we’ve pulled a lot of strings to put together an event this year that will bring the e-mobility industry worldwide forward."

"For fast charging, we won’t run out of electricity anytime soon, even with many participants," says Dr.-Ing. Kiriakos Athanasas (CEO). "For this purpose, we provide our green-powered 630kW connection for the test lab, combined with our large photovoltaic-system. The sustainability concept is very important for us."

The "Testing Event" will be completed by a rich culinary selection, interesting evening programs and developer dialog rounds (Q + A’s).

"We are already looking forward to many more registrations, a full house, great successes of the participants and a valuable exchange of experiences with the diverse companies from the industry," Anita Athanasas is pleased.

For more information on the event and to register, visit
Registration deadline is 7th April 2023.

Über die comemso electronics GmbH

Test- und Messsysteme für die Entwicklung der E-Mobilität weltweit.

comemso bietet seit 2009 mit seinen Produkten zur Batteriezellensimulation und Ladesystemanalyse für die E-Mobilität stationäre und mobile Test-Lösungen für Hersteller von Batterie-Management-Systemen, Elektrofahrzeugen und Ladestationen und deren Betreiber. Mit den hauseigenen Entwicklungs- und Testabteilungen sowie der In-House-Fertigung (Laserschneiden, Gravieren, Bestückungsautomaten, Verkabelung, Prüfung etc.) erfüllt comemso die dynamischen und hohen Anforderungen der Elektromobilitätsbranche und garantieren kurze Lieferzeiten in höchster Qualität. Weltweit namhafte E-Mobilitäts-Kunden vertrauen auf comemso-Produkte. Weitere Informationen über comemso finden Sie unter

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

comemso electronics GmbH
Karlsbader Str. 13
73760 Ostfildern
Telefon: +49 (711) 982 98-0

Anita Athanasas
Vertriebsleitung / Produkt-Management
Telefon: 0711 982 98-201
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