Open and safe design of networked automation

The industry highlight of the automation industry is near: The SPS will take place in Nuremberg from 26 to 28 November.
As a single-source supplier of automation systems for manufacturers of machines and plants as well as of process technology, Jetter AG will present its product portfolio there.

The demand for systems that simultaneously meet both the growing demands of networking and security continues to be high in the industry. Jetter AG offers a secure basis for smooth automation solutions with perfectly matched components of software and hardware. For example, the JetControl 440 EXT controller is already capable of establishing secure connections to and from cloud applications as standard. The controller also comes with a license model that allows users to define and extend the range of functions very easily and individually. "Jetter offers simple solutions," says CEO Christian Benz, explaining the company’s product approach. "We always focus on our customers and want to support them in the realization of all process steps."

Successful implementation: Software and applications are key
"Powerful hardware is one thing," emphasizes Steffen Schwips, Head of Innovations, "but the key lies in the intelligent integration and connection of our software and the coordination of the application with the customer. Industry- and plant-specific software libraries facilitate the setup of machines and plants. These libraries already cover a large part of the machine functions. "This reduces development time and also accelerates the final set-up of the systems – these are tangible competitive advantages," emphasizes Schwips. The Automation Dashboard also supports the users of plants or machines: It enables the individual presentation of important production key figures and process data. Jetter AG will be demonstrating the capabilities of this cloud-based module at its stand.

Automation solutions for selected industries
In addition to the software modules, Jetter AG will present a selection of its industrial automation solutions for the handling, assembly, filling and packaging industries: on display are tailored systems consisting of controller, drive and visualization.

Another focus of the automation specialist is mobile automation. The Ludwigsburg-based company will be exhibiting automation solutions for agricultural implements and municipal vehicles.
In the field of control cabinet manufacturing, Jetter takes over the entire engineering from the assembly of all components in its own production facilities through to installation and commissioning at the customer’s site. The company will present its approach at the trade fair stand.

Jetter AG will present its software and automation solutions at the SPS in Nuremberg from 26 to 28 November, 2019 in hall 7, stand 106.

Über die Bucher Automation AG

Jetter AG is a leading provider of automation systems for the machinery and plant engineering business, as well as for the process technology industry. These systems have been applied both in industrial and mobile automation for decades. Jetter solutions are noted for their outstanding system integrity and diversity thus simplifying handling for the customer. Many years of experience make Jetter an expert in the field of Internet of Things (IoT).

R&D and production of the automation specialist are located both at the headquarters in Ludwigsburg and in Tettnang near Lake Constance. Around 300 employees at the German production sites, at the subsidiary in Hungary and China, at the sales and application branch in Italy, as well as the global support network help Jetter to realize worldwide individual customer requirements as quickly as possible.

Jetter focuses on the packaging and filling, handling and assembly, window manufacturing, municipal vehicles, agricultural machinery and glass container production industries.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Bucher Automation AG
Thomas-Alva-Edison-Ring 10
71672 Marbach am Neckar
Telefon: +49 7141 2550 0
Telefax: +49 7141 2550 425

Silke Glemser
Telefon: +49 (7141) 2550-562
Fax: +49 (7141) 2550-425
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