Stunning performance – amazingly affordable

congatec – a leading vendor of standardized and customized embedded computer boards and modules – today introduces a new SMARC 2.0 Computer-on-Module with NXP i.MX 8M Mini processor. The conga-SMX8-Mini offers higher performance at significantly fewer watts due to the new 14nm FinFET structure. The module also offers impressive visualization capabilities – including 3D graphics with full-HD resolution – despite low thermal and system cost. The new SMARC 2.0 platform is ideal for established markets – such as industrial and medical HMIs, kiosk, vending and infotainment systems – as well as new markets, including situational awareness, machine learning or voice controlled and video enabled residential gateway devices. For mobile and transportation applications, the new SMARC modules offer extended temperature support from -40°C to 85°C and an extended longevity of up to 15 years. Smart vision-based applications benefit from the hardware-accelerated MIPI CSI-2 camera interface.

"In addition to classic industrial controls and HMI systems that benefit from the increased 2 GHz performance, less TDP, and lower costs compared to the 1.5 GHz NXP i.MX 8M variants, the new module is also perfect for our SMARC MIPI CSI-2 starter kits, on the basis of which we can offer suitable vision camera logic in cooperation with Basler. This enables highly integrated embedded vision platforms from a single source that support the development of cost-efficient vision devices for sparse modeling based AI in the industrial and medical technology sectors, in retail checkout systems or for smart home or facility access control systems", explains Martin Danzer, Director Product Management at congatec.

The new SMARC modules with NXP i.MX 8M Mini processor are application-ready sub systems that come with a comprehensive ecosystem including ready-to-go boot loader implementation, pre-qualified Linux, Yocto and Android BSPs and fully featured evaluation carrier boards. congatec’s personal integration support and broad range of individually selectable technical services significantly simplify the integration of this new NXP processor for customers.

Engineers have the opportunity to test the new NXP i.MX 8M Mini processor based SMARC module on evaluation carrier boards at one of the upcoming worldwide NXP Technology Days. Offering hands-on workshops and technical lectures for multiple markets, these one-day events enable attendees to customize a schedule that is most relevant to their training needs. To register for one of the events taking place in Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Milan, Paris, and Boston, please visit the NXP Technology Days Website.

The feature set of the SMARC 2.0 modules
The new SMARC modules addressing ultra-low-power and price-sensitive applications feature three different quad, dual and single core ARM Cortex-A53 and Cortex-M4 based NXP i-MX 8M Mini processors, each available for the extended (0°C to +60°C) and industrial temperature range (-40°C to +85°C). The processor integrated GC NanoUltra 3D GPU convinces with comprehensive 1080p video decoding (H.265, H.264, VP8/9) and encoding (H.264, VP8) capabilities for one embedded display that can be connected via dual Channel LVDS, eDP or MIPI-DSI. Up to 4 GByte of low-power LPDDR4 and an eMMC 5.1 non-volatile memory with up to 128 GByte provide extensive memory capacity on the module. Embedded cameras are connected via the MIPI-CSI-2 interface, while 5x USB 2.0 and 3x UART are state-of-the-art for industrial use. For intersystem connect, the module offers 1x Gbit Ethernet as well as optional M2 WiFi/Bluetooth extension.

Further information on the new congatec SMARC Computer-on-Module conga-SMX8-Mini with NXP i.MX 8M Mini processor can be found at:

Über die congatec GmbH

congatec is a rapidly growing technology company focusing on embedded computing products. The high-performance computer modules are used in a wide range of applications and devices in industrial automation, medical technology, transportation, telecommunications and many other verticals. congatec is the global market leader in the computer-on-modules segment with an excellent customer base from start-ups to international blue chip companies. Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Deggendorf, Germany, the company reached sales of 133 million US dollars in 2018. More information is available on our website at oder bei LinkedIn, Twitter und YouTube.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

congatec GmbH
Auwiesenstrasse 5
94469 Deggendorf
Telefon: +49 (991) 2700-0
Telefax: +49 (991) 2700-111

Michael Hennen
Agentur SAMS Network
Telefon: +49 (2405) 4526720
Christian Eder
Director Marketing
Telefon: +49 (991) 2700-0
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