Ad-Hoc announcement: Changes in Interroll Group Management

Interroll, leading global provider of material handling solutions, announces today that Daniel Bättig, Group CFO and member of Interroll Group Management, has decided to leave the company by the end of November 2019. Bättig has been Group CFO since he joined the Interroll Group in March 2013.  

“Daniel Bättig managed the Group’s finances with operational excellence and very successfully”, says Paul Zumbühl, CEO of the worldwide Interroll Group. “He played a key role in preparing Interroll’s acquisitions of the recent years and completed a number of strategic group projects in the areas of Compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility such as Interroll’s commitment to the UN Global Compact, besides deepening our trustful relationship with Institutional Investors. I personally thank him for his precious work and achievements during his time.”

The successor of Daniel Bättig will be announced at a later date.

Über die Interroll (Schweiz) AG

The Interroll Group is the leading global provider of material handling solutions. The company was founded in 1959 and has been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since 1997. Interroll provides system integrators and OEMs with a wide range of platform-based products and services in these categories: Rollers (conveyor rollers), Drives (motors and drives for conveyor systems), Conveyors & Sorters as well as Pallet & Carton Flow (flow storage systems). Interroll solutions are in operation in express and postal services, e-commerce, airports, the food and beverage industry, fashion, automotive sectors, and many other manufacturing industries. Among the company’s end users are leading brands such as Amazon, Bosch, Coca-Cola, DHL, Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Siemens, Walmart and Zalando. Headquartered in Switzerland, Interroll has a global network of 32 companies with turnover of around CHF 559.9 million and 2,300 employees (2018).

Interroll Share
The registered shares of Interroll Holding AG are traded in the Main Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange under the security number 637289.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Interroll (Schweiz) AG
Via Gorelle 3
CH6592 Sant’Antonino
Telefon: +41 (91) 85025-25
Telefax: +41 (91) 85025-55

Martin Regnet
Telefon: +41 (91) 85025-21
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