One of the top 50 companies in Bavaria

The "Bayerns Best 50" prize has once again been awarded to the top 50 companies in Bavaria. MBFZ toolcraft GmbH is among the winners of the coveted award thanks to its steady growth in staff numbers and sales. The Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, Hubert Aiwanger, presented the award during a ceremony at Schleissheim Palace.

Coveted award

According to the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, entrepreneurs who seek out and resolutely make use of new opportunities for growth and employment are the backbone of the Bavarian economy. They accept responsibility and create jobs that lay the foundations for the high standard of living in Bavaria. This is why the Ministry has this year once again paid tribute to the 50 fastest-growing small and medium-sized companies in Bavaria, which have achieved above-average increases in their number of employees and sales in recent years. Particular attention is also given to training, as indicated by the special award presented to companies demonstrating an outstanding level of commitment to providing training on their own premises.

Extraordinary growth – staff and innovations are the keys to success

"Opportunities for anyone who is willing and able. This is our guiding principle. It allows us to develop ‘green fields’ where our staff can grow and reach their potential. Besides making us an attractive employer, this creates motivated employees who, in turn, drive growth in all our lines of business," says Bernd Krebs, managing director and owner of toolcraft. "We focus on promising technologies and certifications. What’s more, our clients come from innovative and rapidly growing industries," adds Karlheinz Nüßlein, one of toolcraft’s three managing directors. Since being founded by Bernd Krebs in 1989, toolcraft has consistently pursued a strategy of growth by investing in innovations and continuously expanding its product portfolio. Today, it employs a total of around 390 people in its parent plant in Georgensgmünd and mould-making facilities in Spalt. The company places immense value on training its own junior staff. To date, all of its trainees have been given permanent positions in their respective areas of expertise.

Über die toolcraft AG

toolcraft is a pioneer of forward-looking technologies, such as 3D metal printing and the construction of customised turnkey robotics solutions. The company tests and develops innovative engineering processes until they are ready to be used on production lines. As a provider of comprehensive solutions, toolcraft covers the entire process chain, from the initial idea to manufacturing, quality assurance and testing in the areas of CNC machining, 3D metal printing, injection moulding, spark erosion (EDM) and mould making. Its clients include market leaders in the semiconductors, aerospace, medical technology, optical, special machinery manufacturing, motor sports and automotive industries. Building close working relationships with collaborative partners as well as universities, other institutions of higher education and research centres is an important part of its corporate philosophy. The medium-sized family-owned company, located in Georgensgmünd and Spalt, was founded by Bernd Krebs in 1989.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

toolcraft AG
Handelsstraße 1
91166 Georgensgmünd
Telefon: +49 (9172) 6956-0
Telefax: +49 (9172) 6956-560

Tina Hartmann-H’Lawatscheck
Telefon: +49 (9172) 6956-172
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