Enabling Exceptional Design

Extraordinary design emerges from the visionary strength of its creators. Allowing that strength to unfold takes a design process supported by optimised service, high-quality materials and forward-thinking expertise. It’s how projects are elevated to a new level, how spaces are created that make our lives better. This complete package for interior design is what REHAU means by “Enabling Exceptional Design”, which the company is now focussing on at SICAM.

The combination of product innovation and service capabilities is also the basis for REHAU’s SICAM presence: the German specialist for furniture and interiors is expanding their range of surfaces by a new high-quality solution focused on design match, while at the same time boosting their customer service substantially. The opening of the new, highly automated service and logistics centre at the Visbek location is a real milestone.

Design match for maximum design freedom

Those who demand flawless results appreciate REHAU products. Thanks to the REHAU design match, our surfaces, edgebands and storage solutions are perfectly coordinated in terms of appearance, tactile characteristics and materials. Not only do they look great, but they also save time – because all components can be conveniently and reliably procured from one source. At SICAM, visitors can experience displays in perfect design harmony. Not only with the prize-winning noble matt collection but also with the popular crystal family including surfaces RAUVISIO crystal and the RAUVOLET crystal-line tambour door system canmonolithic pieces of furniture can be easily and simply be built – thought-through down to the last detail.

At SICAM, REHAU introduces RAUVISIO eco-line, its sustainable surface programme line, for the first time. It is made of up to 97 per cent recycled materials, as both the substrate board and the furniture foil are available in variants made almost entirely from recyclates. That way, the board can simply be recycled and reprocessed at the end of its life cycle. Here again, the product match comes into play: with the prize-winning RAUKANTEX eco and evo edgebands, REHAU provides the tailor-made sustainable solution.

Edgebands with added value

The story of the edgeband is a story of progress. RAUKANTEX has taken great evolutionary strides, and not just in terms of its look and ease of processing – the edgeband is now also available with various special functions. In the interactive presentation space, visitors can discover lots of services, as well as material and finishing options.

New service and logistics centre: investment with Europe-wide impact

The expansion of the logistics centre is a clear sign for Germany as a business location. REHAU’s promise of quality ‘Made in Germany’ with guaranteed consistently high quality directly from the manufacturer becomes visible here. The new logistics centre brings further service advantages for our customers, thanks to the higher degree of automation, the digital linking of all processes and the state-of-the-art transport systems that were part of the expansion concept. REHAU has therefore significantly increased its capacity for the edgeband range, as well as accelerating its pace: “Production and logistics are so perfectly interconnected that the entire standard warehouse programme in Germany is ready to ship immediately. Orders of stock items that are received before 4 p.m. are transferred to the shipping company on the same day. Individual requests such as edgeband widths, cut length   from one metre, larger inner core, different coatings for machine processing are included. With 2,400 colours and décors in over 200,000 different variants, the edgebands of the standard collection match the board and laminate collections of all leading manufacturers, for example Egger, Pfleiderer or Kronospan. REHAU offers zero joint edgebands as well as classic adhesion promoter edgebands. In addition, the company offers industrial customers small batches for building tambour door cabinets in a perfect design match with its surfaces and edgebands – from quantities of just 1.

As a global family business, REHAU stands for cooperation at eye level paired with the expertise and reliability of a global player. Partners and customers receive not only design-oriented products, but tailored services as well. In summary: “Enabling Exceptional Design”


From 18 to 21 October 2022

Hall 5 – Exhibit B10

Über REHAU AG + Co

The Building Solutions, Window Solutions, Interior Solutions and Industrial Solutions divisions, which all operate independently in their respective markets, as well as the cross-divisional service units REHAU Services & Solutions, all fall under the umbrella of REHAU Industries. More than 12,000 employees at over 150 locations worldwide work together to keep improving lives through the use of innovative, sustainable technologies for the construction, furniture and industrial sectors: Engineering progress. Enhancing lives.

REHAU Industries is part of the global REHAU Group, which specialises in polymer-based solutions. The Group has more than 20,000 employees and generates an annual turnover of over EUR 4 billion.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Helmut-Wagner-Str. 1
95111 Rehau
Telefon: +49 (9283) 77-0
Telefax: +49 (9283) 77-7756

Stefanie Krüger
Senior PR Consultant & Key-Account Manager
E-Mail: rehau@goos-communication.com
Cornelia Martin
Telefon: +49 (9283) 77-2261
E-Mail: Cornelia.Martin@rehau.com
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