ORION S3: Tape-Based S3 Appliance for Managed Service Providers and Hyperscalers

The joint solution of the three storage specialists addresses the challenges of hyperscale computing and all areas that have to deal with rapidly growing data volumes.

ORION S3 combines the new BDT ORION MC6 library with the S3-to-Tape software PoINT Archival Gateway. The solution is based on standardization at both hardware and software level: the library is rack-mountable and designed for the LTO standard; the software provides the standardized S3 interface. ORION S3 thus offers long-term investment protection and easy integration into the data center.

The ORION MC6 library is the first tape library that BDT has launched under its own name; until now, the Black Forest-based global market leader has produced exclusively for the OEM market. The ORION S3 tape appliance offers up to 974 slots and up to 21 LTO-9 FH drives with flexible scalability. The pre-installed S3 object storage PoINT Archival Gateway is characterized by high performance. The throughput is up to 8.4 GB/s.

Use cases for this unique appliance range from S3 backup to hyperscale computing to long-term archiving. The main target groups are managed service providers, research institutes and the AI sector, which are particularly confronted with increasing data volumes and therefore require highly scalable and efficient storage solutions.

"Object storage on tape has become an integral part of every large data center," comments Marcus Stier, Head of Business Development at COMBACK GmbH, responsible for EMEA sales of the ORION S3: "ORION S3 is the answer to the challenges our customers report to us every day. We are proud to offer a reliable complete solution ‘Made in Germany’ at a very attractive price".

The partners BDT, PoINT and COMBACK will present the ORION S3 at booth C03 at the CloudFest in Rust from March 17th to 20th.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

CITA / Jägerhaus
75394 Oberreichenbach
Telefon: +49 (7051) 923-111
Telefax: +49 (7051) 923-190

Marcus Stier
E-Mail: marcus.stier@comback.de
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