Core Assets: On the trail of the center of a huge copper porphyry!

Core Assets’ (WKN A2QCCU / CSE CC) drill-ready and easily accessible Laverdiere copper project is part of the giant Blue property and covers a 5 x 8 kilometer underexplored copper porphyry area in northwestern British Columbia. There, the Company has identified promising mineralization in the newly defined Valley Zone around an impressive, donut-shaped geophysical anomaly measuring approximately 1 x 1.2 kilometers, which is interpreted to be a probable high-grade porphyry center!

As Core Assets states, the Valley Zone represents a highly prospective area of elevated hydrothermal activity and high-grade porphyry copper mineralization located 2km to the southwest and 700m higher than the Main Zone, which was drill tested in 2022. Both high-grade zones remain open for expansion in multiple directions.

Learn more, now: Core Assets: On the trail of the center of a huge copper porphyry!

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In accordance with §34b WpHG i (Germany) and §48f paragraph 5 BörseG (Austria) we would like to point out that clients, partners, authors and employees of GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH hold shares in Core Assets and therefore a conflict of interest exists. Furthermore, we cannot rule out the possibility that other market letters, media or research companies may discuss the stocks we recommend during the same period. This may result in the symmetrical generation of information and opinions during this period. Furthermore, there is a consultancy or other service agreement between Core Assets and GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH, which gives rise to an additional conflict of interest.

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GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH
Kellinghusenstraße 15
20249 Hamburg
Telefon: +491719965380

Björn Junker
Telefon: +49 (40) 44195195
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