Quickly and Virtually to the Perfect Vertical Ladder

Hall: 3, Stand number: 3C15

It has never been easier for planners and users to design the perfect vertical ladder for their own building. They can now use the new vertical ladder configurator from Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik. This guides them step by step to the ideal solution at www.steigtechnik.de/en/configurator with a 3D display in real time. And it is particularly realistic, because the new tool from Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik is the first vertical ladder configurator ever to have an integrated façade simulation. This allows wall and roof surfaces to be modelled precisely, mapped with all interfering contours and taken into account in the configuration. Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik offers planners an all-round carefree service from a single source, from project planning and consultation to fast delivery and installation – whether analogue or digital via the configurator. 

"For maximum safety when ascending and descending, every vertical ladder must be precisely tailored to its location and purpose. With our new vertical ladder configurator, we now offer our customers the opportunity to realise the planning as accurately and precisely as possible and to take it into their own hands," says Ferdinand Munk, owner and Managing Director of the Munk Group. 

The highlight on the digital path to a fixed vertical ladder is the realistic wall simulation, which is available for the first time ever in a configurator for vertical ladders: It allows the user to model the respective surfaces true to the original and take all interfering contours such as windows, ledges and pipes into account straight away. "This wall modelling is truly unique and we are setting a real benchmark in terms of user-friendliness on the digital path to vertical ladders. Precise wall modelling meets standard-compliant safety. This really is a completely new standard," says Munk. The info video at www.steigtechnik.de/slkonf shows just how easy the new vertical ladder configurator is to use.

The configurator works with you

During the configuration process, the Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik tool thinks for itself and, among other things, suggests the right wall anchors for the attachment. Do you also need exit aids or access safety devices? Thanks to the extensive range of fixed ladders, almost all requirements can be realised with just a few clicks. In the configurator, the user can also plan the innovations in the Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik vertical ladder range, such as the new wall bracket for sheet metal façades. This allows vertical ladders to be mounted directly on the sheet metal façade so that the building envelope does not have to be opened in order to attach the ladder to the masonry below. The ‘Ballast’ mounting kit, which is also new, allows parapet bridging ladders to be installed on the roof on the descent side without penetrating the building – completely without drilling. It goes without saying that users not only protect their building during installation, but also save time and money.

Great for planners: the innovative 3D planning not only provides a realistic overview of the vertical ladder on the modelled wall, the graphic representations can also be exported in common formats for further use in other planning programs. Anyone planning a large-scale project is also well catered for, as the configurator can be used to combine several fixed ladder systems into a single quotation.

Completely flexible

It’s that simple in practice: after configuration, the user can save his design as a 3D plan and, if necessary, work out the details later with a Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik consultant or request a quotation directly. The immediate quotation is sent automatically by email once the configuration is complete. "In the end, the user always decides for themselves whether they want to plan their vertical ladder solution completely independently or with our support. Either way, we are always on hand to provide advice and support and are happy to discuss details directly on site. After all, personalised advice is the strength of our field service team," says Munk.

Everything from a single source

Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik supports its customers throughout the entire project planning process, from delivery to installation (by the Munk Service division). In the case of unusual requirements, the Munk project specialists also take care of professional coordination and processing with other project partners and suppliers. The important thing is: Once the order has been placed, the customer should not have to worry about anything. "We offer them a genuine one-stop solution. Our sophisticated system, our expertise in consulting and the fast delivery time are truly unique in this form. I am particularly proud of this," says the owner and Managing Director.

Modular configuration

Regardless of whether you need to leave the building quickly in the event of an emergency or fire or generally ensure safe ascent and descent on roofs, silos, machines and systems: The configuration options for fixed vertical ladders at Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik are as versatile as their intended use. In order to flexibly create the right solution for every building and every purpose, Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik vertical ladders have always been designed in a modular system. This makes them particularly easy to plan and configure. Users can choose from galvanised steel, stainless steel and aluminium for their new vertical ladders, as well as a wide range of possible equipment such as wall brackets or access safety devices. An optimised assembly system not only offers faster assembly times, but also increased safety thanks to highly stable fastening technology. Alongside the configurator, planners, architects and engineers can find planning aids at www.steigtechnik.de/….

Vertical ladders from Günzburg are "Made in Germany" and type-tested in accordance with DIN 18799-1, DIN EN ISO 14122-4 and DIN 14094-1. They comply with the Technical Rules for Workplaces ASR A1.8 and the applicable DGUV regulations. All models come with a 15-year guarantee and are available from stock at any time.


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 23
89312 Günzburg
Telefon: +49 (8221) 3616-01
Telefax: +49 (8221) 3616-80

Bettina Sauter
Telefon: +49 (8221) 3616-48
Fax: +49 (8221) 361680
E-Mail: sauter@steigtechnik.de
Ingo Jensen
Jensen media GmbH
Telefon: +49 (8331) 99188-0
Fax: +49 (8331) 99188-80
E-Mail: info@jensen-media.de
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