Always keeping an eye on ergonomics

Hall: 3, Stand number: 3C15

Ergonomics in access equipment!" This is more than ever the programme at Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik. In 2011, the quality manufacturer from Bavaria was one of the very first access technology manufacturers to develop special ergonomic innovations, such as the ergonomic "ergo-pad" grip zone for stepladders and the "roll-bar" crossbar. This was originally designed for back-friendly transport of rung ladders, but now the popular "roll-bar" retrofit kit is also available for all stepladders that have a crossbar. The latest innovations such as the FlexxTower one-person scaffold, the FlexxLift mini-lift and the freely accessible Desk Surfer from Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik were also developed with a clear focus on "safety and ergonomics at the workplace". 

"The added ergonomic value for users is a common thread running through all our innovations, as is the striving for added safety at work. With ‘ergo-pad’ and ‘roll-bar’ we started the ergonomics wave back then. They have long been regarded as benchmarks when it comes to keeping employees healthy. It’s hard to imagine our product range without the innovations of yesteryear, and it’s great that we’ve been able to keep coming up with more ergonomic innovations," says Ferdinand Munk, founder and Managing Director of the Munk Group based in Günzburg. 

The advantages of Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik’s ergonomic solutions are also partly documented in scientific studies, such as the biomechanical-ergonomic short study: "Advantages of a ladder with ‘roll-bar’ traverse" by the Qimoto Centre for Sports Medicine based in Wiesbaden.

Close coordination with occupational physicians and safety officers

Today, as in the past, the access equipment and ergonomics experts develop their ergonomic innovations in close consultation with company doctors and occupational safety officers. Since then, many have explicitly recommended the products of the technology and innovation leader based in Günzburg. The developers always react to current challenges, as the extension of the "roll-bar" functionality to the stepladder range shows. In addition, the range is constantly being improved: for example, the castors can be brought into position with the foot so that no one has to bend down.

"Just a few years ago, professional users could reach for the rung ladder without any problems. However, due to the tightening of the Technical Rules for Industrial Safety, this has changed and no matter whether in trade or industry: more and more stepladders are being used in order to meet the requirements of TRBS 2121 Part 2. We have also changed our range accordingly and offer a new stepladder programme designed for work that used to be done with rung ladders. So it was only logical that we now also offer our ‘roll-bar’ solution for the larger stepladders with crossbars. For the lighter stepladders in our range, the ‘ergo-pad’ is ideal," says Ferdinand Munk.

Always in the optimal carrying point

The "ergo-pad" grip zone enables the user to carry stepladders in a way that is particularly easy on the back, because he automatically grips the ladder at the optimum carrying point. Another plus point is the integrated stile lock, which keeps the stiles of the ladder together at all times via a clamping mechanism. When folded, the ladder stiles are locked without an additional handle and can be easily released again. This significantly improves the handling of the climbing aids.

The classics: roll-bar and ergo-pad

The "roll-bar" crossbar and the ergonomic "ergo-pad" grip zone are thus the classics in the ergonomics range of Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik. A crossbar equipped with the "roll-bar" function not only increases the stability of rung and stepladders, but it also offers a great advantage, especially when changing locations, because the ladder is no longer carried but rolled. The effort required to transport the ladder is reduced by almost half when rolling compared to carrying it. The access equipment and ergonomics experts from Günzburger Steigtechnik are still preaching to the choir of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), because in the still valid instruction manual for the use of ladders and steps (DGUV Information 208-016, formerly: BGI 694), the DGUV explicitly calls for the use of transport castors such as the "roll-bar" traverse for the transport of heavy and bulky ladders.

Ergonomically upwards with the FlexxTower, FlexxLift and Desk Surfer

The latest innovations, such as the FlexxTower one-person scaffold or the FlexxLift microlift platform with vertical mast lift, offer users added safety and ergonomic benefits. They are assembled in no time and allow safe and ergonomic working on spacious platforms with working heights of up to 6.10 metres. 

The mobile scaffolds and working platforms enable the user to change location quickly and work more than ever in the ideal, fatigue-free body posture.

The Desk-Surfer mobile platform from Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik is designed for working heights of up to 3.0 metres. It allows fixtures such as desks to be moved underneath, thus ensuring a secure footing for the platform. The Desk-Surfer thus makes working on technical equipment in the suspended ceiling safer, easier and more ergonomic than ever before.

The Munk Group’s Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik is also the ideal partner when individual customer requirements go beyond the standard range. The innovation and technology leader develops customised access technology solutions such as working platforms, bridging steps, walkways and platform stairs for a wide range of production and maintenance tasks. All of them not only ensure shorter and safer routes and access in a wide variety of working environments, but of course also a plus in ergonomics directly at the workplace as well as safe and fatigue-free working. The experts at Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik adapt their special designs so that all tasks can be performed at the ideal working height, which is easy on the back and muscles.  

Investments pay off

According to Ferdinand Munk, investments in occupational safety and ergonomics are worthwhile for employers. "As we all know, every euro invested comes back twice," says Munk, referring to an international study that determined a Return on Prevention (ROP) of 2.2. For companies that invest money in prevention, this means in concrete terms: one euro invested brings them success amounting to 2.20 euros – in the form of an increase in occupational safety and efficiency as well as lower costs for accidents and operational disruptions. The study "Calculating the international ‘Return on Prevention’ for companies: Costs and Benefits of Investments in Occupational Safety and Health" was jointly initiated by the International Social Security Association (ISSA), the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for Energy, Textiles, Electrical and Media Products (BG ETEM).

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 23
89312 Günzburg
Telefon: +49 (8221) 3616-01
Telefax: +49 (8221) 3616-80

Bettina Sauter-Kueres
Telefon: +49 8221361648
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