Security at a new level: infodas IT security product receives BSI certification according to Common Criteria

Secure, robust and certified: infodas has been awarded by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for its SDoT Software Data Diode. As it is certified to Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 5+ (EAL5+), the IT security product meets the most rigorous international security requirements. infodas products secure sensitive communication flows in both the defense sector and the public sector, as well as in critical infrastructures.

"With this high-level certification for our SDoT Software Data Diode, we are confirming our chosen path. With this certificate, our approach to stronger, process-oriented development using security-by-design principles has been recognized. We also clearly demonstrate the high security standards that our software-based cybersecurity solution meets. The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) was very cooperative, and we would like to thank them for their support throughout the collaboration. We are very proud to have completed another important certification process with the SDoT Software Data Diode," comments Carsten Schulz, Managing Director at infodas.

The SDoT Software Data Diode stands for secure and high-performance uni-directional data transfer via numerous protocols between two networks with different classifications. The areas of application include the defense industry, intelligence services, the public sector, and critical infrastructures. The SDoT Software Data Diode is currently the only software-based data diode with high-level approvals and certifications. Among others, the cross-domain solution is approved for the classification levels DEU SECRET, EU SECRET and NATO SECRET. It also has the relevant Bureau Veritas seal for shipping applications, in accordance with IACS guidelines UR E26 and UR E27.

"With the Common Criteria certification according to EAL5+, we have achieved the highest evaluation level that can currently be realistically awarded for complex software-based products. Accordingly, the SDoT Software Data Diode meets the strictest requirements for modern security-critical applications. This was only possible thanks to outstanding teamwork and massive efforts on infodas’ part, but it was absolutely worth it," explains Hanns Benigno Groeschke, Lead Product Certification at infodas.

About infodas

INFODAS GmbH was founded in 1974 and is one of the leading providers for cyber and information security solutions in Germany. Since 2024, infodas has been an Airbus subsidiary specialized in Cyber and IT. It advises companies, authorities and the military by providing services aimed at designing and implementing comprehensive approaches to cyber and information security, as well as protecting IT infrastructures. The company also develops high-security products for domain transitions (Cross Domain Solutions) and the protection of critical infrastructures. infodas’ SDoT product range is partly approved for classification levels DEU SECRET, EU SECRET and NATO SECRET. Many of the products are also certified according to Common Criteria and have other country-specific certificates. In addition to its headquarters in Cologne, the company has offices in Berlin, Bonn, Hamburg, Mainz and Munich.

Press contact

Daniel Schnichels, Marketing & PR Manager, +49 (0)221 709 124 20,,

Über die INFODAS Gesellschaft für Systementwicklung und Informationsverarbeitung mbH

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

INFODAS Gesellschaft für Systementwicklung und Informationsverarbeitung mbH
Rhonestr. 2
50765 Köln
Telefon: +49 (221) 70912-0
Telefax: +49 (221) 70912-655

Daniel Schnichels
Marketing & PR Manager
Telefon: +49 221 70912 420
Fax: +49 221 70912 655
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