AMPYR Solar Europe and ROCKWOOL Sign Long-Term Solar PPA for Sustainable Energy Supply

AMPYR Solar Europe (ASE) and ROCKWOOL have signed a 10-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to supply more than 50 GWh of renewable electricity annually from ASE’s new 96 MWp Noordoostpolder solar facility in Flevoland, starting in 2026. The solar energy, along with Guarantees of Origin, will be physically delivered via the public grid to ROCKWOOL’s operations, supporting its sustainability strategy and decarbonization goals.

This green energy supports ROCKWOOL in the reduction of their carbon footprint, advancing their ambition to achieve net-zero emissions by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and stabilising long-term energy costs. As one of the cleanest and most abundant sources of energy, solar power contributes not only to emissions reduction but also to the creation of a more resilient energy system, with decreased reliance on fossil fuel markets and their inherent price fluctuations.

Tarun Agrawal, CEO of AMPYR Solar Europe, commented: “This agreement with ROCKWOOL demonstrates the power of renewable energy PPAs to enable industrial leaders to achieve substantial decarbonization while securing long-term energy security and cost predictability. We are proud to support ROCKWOOL on their path to sustainability.”

By transitioning to renewable energy and further decarbonizing its operations, ROCKWOOL is enhancing the sustainability of its production process, and contributing to the European Energy Transition more broadly.

"This is yet another step in the continuous process of reducing our ecological footprint," said Jos Dumoulin, Technical Director at ROCKWOOL. "At ROCKWOOL, we believe in joint responsibility for a better future. By investing in electrification and entering into smart collaborations with sustainable partners such as AMPYR Solar Europe, we are going the extra mile. Together, we are working towards a world where innovation and sustainability go hand in hand, for the generations of tomorrow."

ROCKWOOL B.V. is part of the Denmark-based ROCKWOOL Group and is one of the larger employers in Central Limburg with approximately 1,200 employees. With its products, the company makes a substantial contribution to the climate and energy transition. This makes it part of the solution to the current climate challenges. The products from Roermond are largely used in construction, renovation and insulation projects in the Benelux. The ‘footprint’ of the production process is fully compensated by the environmental benefits in our own country and surroundings. With the positive impact of the products made here, ROCKWOOL makes a significant contribution to the sustainability challenge in the Netherlands.
For more information, please visit:

Über AMPYR Solar Europe LP

Headquartered in London, with offices in Maastricht, Utrecht, Frankfurt and Berlin, AMPYR Solar Europe is an Independent Solar Developer and IPP with in-house end-to-end capability across Asset Development, Financing, Construction, Operations and Power Sales. AMPYR Solar Europe’s unique platform benefits from a highly experienced sponsor group: AGP Sustainable Real Assets brings extensive experience in establishing and operating GW scale renewable platforms; Hartree Partners’ cutting edge power trading analytics and zero-carbon solutions; as well as ESI’s in-depth local knowledge and land development capability.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

AMPYR Solar Europe LP
25 Old Broad Street, Tower 42, 14th floor
EC2N 1HN London
Telefon: +44 (20) 3314-9182

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